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2)  Kobayashi F1, Niikura M2, Waki S3, Matsui T1, Fujino T1, Tsuruhara T4 & Kamiya S1. (1Dept. Infect. Dis., Kyorin Univ. Schl. Med., 2Inst. Lab. Anim., Kyorin Univ. Schl. Med., 3Gunma Prefect. Coll. Hlth. Sci, 4Depart. Biol., Tokyo Gakugei Univ.): Plasmodium berghei XAT: Contribution of gd T cells to host defense against infection with blood-stage nonlethal malaria parasite. Exp. Parasitol., 117:368-375, 2007.

3)  Y. Kano Y, Hirahara K, Mityuyama Y, Takahashi R, Shiohara T: Utility of the lymphocyte transformation test in the diagnosis of drug sensitivity: dependence on its timing and the type of drug eruption. Allergy 62(12): 1439-1444, 2007

4)  Nanno M, Kanari Y, Naito T, Inoue N, Hisamatsu T, Chinen H, Sugimoto K, Shimomura Y, Yamagishi H, Shiohara T, Ueha S, Matsushima K, Suematsu M, Mizoguchi A, Hibi T, Bhan AK, Ishikawa H. Exacerbating role of gammadelta T cells in chronic colitis of T-cell receptor alpha mutant mice. Gastroenterology. 2008 Feb;134(2):481-90.

5)  Shiohara T, Kano Y. A complex interaction between drug allergy and viral infection. Clin Rev Allergy Immunol. 2007 Oct;33(1-2):124-33.

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9)  Kano Y, Mitsuyama Y, Hirahara K, Shiohara T. Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection-induced erythema nodosum, anaphylactoid purpura, and acute urticaria in 3 people in a single family. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2007 Aug;57(2 Suppl):S33-5.

10)   Hasannejad H, Takahashi R, Kimishima M, Hayakawa K, Shiohara T. Selective impairment of Toll-like receptor 2-mediated proinflammatory cytokine production by monocytes from patients with atopic dermatitis. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2007 Jul;120(1):69-75.

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1)  福岡利仁、大塚貴子、早川哲、要伸也、有村義宏、山田明:腎不全における末梢血中血管内皮前駆細胞の検討 第2回多摩PD研究会. 東京, 平成19年3月10日

2)  Takahashi R and Shiohara T1,2  (Div. Flow cytometry, 2Dept. of Dermatology): Dramatic expansion of Tregs with skin-homing potential followed by sequential reactivations of herpesviruses. The 32st annual meeting of the Japanese Society for Investigative Dermatology (プレナリー口演), Yokohama, Apr 18-20, 2006.

3)  福岡利仁、大塚貴子、早川哲、要伸也、有村義宏、山田明:腎不全症例における末梢血血管内皮前駆細胞Circulating endothelial progenitor cell: cEPCの検討 第50回日本腎臓学会、浜松、平成19年5月25日

4)  新倉 保1, 2,小林富美恵3,北 潔1東大・国際保健,2杏林大・実験動物, 3杏林大・感染症学):複合マラリア原虫感染における病態抑制機構の解析. 第15回分子寄生虫ワークショップ,  群馬, 平成19年7月25-28日.

5)  Kazuhito Fukuoka, Shinya Kaname, and Akira Yamada: A study of circulating endothelial progenitor cells in the patients with chronic renal failure and chronic kidney disease, Renal Week 2007 (American Society of Nephrology) November 4, 2007, San Francisco, California,

6)  Niikura M1,2 & Kobayashi F (Inst. Lab. Anim., Kyorin Univ. Schl. Med., 2Dept. Biomed. Chem., Grad. Schl. Med., Univ of Tokyo., Dept. Infect. Dis., Kyorin Univ. Schl. Med.): Coinfection with nonlethal murine malaria parasites suppresses pathogenesis caused by Plasmodium berghei NK65. The 37th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Immunologists, Tokyo, November 20-22, 2007.

7)  福岡利仁、大塚貴子、須藤京、野村和史、要伸也、山田明:慢性腎不全症例における末梢血血管内皮前駆細胞数の検討 第13回日本腹膜透析研究会 広島.2007年11月24日

8)  Takahashi R, Kobayashi F2 & Shiohara T1,3 (Div. Flow cytometry, 2Dept. Infect. Dis., 3Dept. Dermatol., Kyorin Univ. Schl. Med.): Purification and characterization of human peripheral blood regulatory T cells using FACSAria. JSPS-NRCT Joint Seminar, 2007; -Strategies for controlling emerging and reemerging infectious diseases in Southeast Asia in JSPS Core University Program-, Salaya, Bangkok, November 30th, 2007.


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