FlowJo 10.6.1がリリース

フローサイトメトリー解析ソフトのFlowJo v10.6.1がリリースされています。



Release Notes (10.6.1)

  • Spectral compensation allows users who collect more channels than they have parameters to get cleaner data if properly done. In spectral flow, light is collected in all detectors for all parameters and the additional information allows software to separate out the individual colors more precisely.
  • Platform overlays unlock the ability to overlay kinetic, proliferation and cell-cycle plots from one sample onto another or multiple samples.
  • Auto-Save workspace feature – new preference setting allows researchers to automatically save their analysis at a customizable time interval.
  • BD and FlowJo continue to support you and your research, from design to discovery. Now with the new FACSDiva™ support, users can import and export gates and compensation directly to a FACSDiva™ experiment.
  • Parameter short name ($P#S) keywords now utilized in more locations, such as Multi-Graph Color Maps. This change replaces many instances of the less informative parameter name ($P#N) keywords.
  • For more details on features in this release, and a comprehensive list of known issues visit the exhaustive release notes.




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