【口 演】
- Ohyama M: Skin diseases involving the scalp and associated hair loss. World Congress of Hair Research 2019, Spain, Apr 25th, 2019.
- Fukuyama M, Kinoshita-Ise M, Sato Y, Ohyama M: Elucidation of demographic, clinical, and trichoscopic features facilitating the early diagnosis of self-healing acute diffuse and total alopecia. World Congress of Hair Research 2019, Spain, Apr 26th, 2019.
- Kashiwagi S, Tsunai Y, Yoshino M, Kuwahara A, Satou Y, Ishii T, Ohyama M, Honma Y: L-(+)-tartaric acid supports human hair follicle cell growth factor production and proliferation in vitro. World Congress of Hair Research 2019, Spain, Apr 26th, 2019.
- Takahashi R, Sato Y, Kimishima M, Ohyama M: Enhanced recovery of PD-1 expression on the cell surface of PD-1 negative T cells in nivolumab treated advanced melanoma patinets. The 77th annual meeting of the Society for Investigative Dermatology, USA, May 9th, 2019.
- 新倉 保:世界における妊娠マラリアの現状と問題点.千葉大学医学部特別講義,千葉,2019年5月9日.
- 佐藤洋平,福山雅大,下田由莉江,大山学:悪性黒色腫の精査を契機に診断し得た重複癌の2例.第35回日本皮膚悪性腫瘍学会学術大会,神戸,2019年5月25日.
- Ohyama M: Revisiting the pathophysiology of hair loss disorders for better management – a physician-scientist’s approach. 15th Annual Meeting of the Korean Hair Research Society, Korea, May 26th, 2019.
- 新倉保:寄生虫感染症の臨床ならびにその検査法.日本臨床検査医学会・日本臨床検査同学院共同主催 第14回 寄生虫検査法技術講習会,東京,2019年6月9日.
- Inoue SI,Ganchimega B,Jiun-Yua J,Sukhbaatara O,Mbayaa N,Sanjaadorja T,Kimura K,Niikura M,Kobayashi F,Yui K:γδ T cells play a crucial role for protective immunity to Plasmodium ID-RiPS,長崎,2019年7月17日.
- 伊従光洋,小川良平,新倉 保,Emran TB,丹保秀太,井上信一,小林富美惠,吉田栄人:バキュロウイルス筋肉内接種による肝臓期マラリア原虫の殺傷と遺伝子発現解析.第75回日本寄生虫学会西日本支部大会,金沢,2019年9月21-22日.
- 山賀貴,末弘淳一,櫻井裕之:LAT1阻害薬JPH203への抵抗性はGCN2-ATF4経路が関与する.第141回日本薬理学会関東部会,東京, 2019年10月12日.
- 新倉保,小林富美惠:マラリア原虫感染赤血球の乳腺組織への蓄積.第79回日本寄生虫学会東日本支部大会,東京,2019年10月14日.
- 井上信一,Ganchimega B,Jiun-Yua J,Sukhbaatara O,Mbayaa N,Sanjaadorja T,木村一美,新倉保,小林富美惠,由井克之:マラリアによるγδ T 細胞疲弊の誘導.第 72 回日本寄生虫学会南日本支部大会・第 69 回日本衛生動物学会南日本支部大会,熊本,2019年10月26-27日
- Shimoda Y, Yamazaki Y, Kimishima M, Ohyama M: Digital-immunohistologic dissection of immnune privilege collapse in syringotropic autoimmune diseases: am implication for the pathogenesis. The 44th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Investigative Dermatology, Aomori, Nov 11th 2019.
- Takahashi R, Sato Y, Kimishima M, Ohyama M: Restoration of cell surface PD-1 expression in intracellular PD-1 positive T cell subset in nivolumab-treated advanced melanoma patients. The 44th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Investigative Dermatology, Aomori, Nov 11th 2019.
- Fukuyama M, Tsukashima A, Kimishima M, Yamazaki Y, Ohyama M: Attempts to regenerate human hair follicle structure in vitro by three-dimentionally assembling tissue- and iPS cell-derived cell composites. The 44th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Investigative Dermatology, Aomori, Nov 11th 2019.
- 新倉保:これだけは知っておきたい!寄生虫検査の基礎.公益社団法人東京都臨床検査技師会 2019年度第7回微生物検査研究班研修会,東京,2019年11月15日.
- 菅浩隆,森重侑樹,大浦紀彦,多久嶋亮彦.フローサイトメトリーを用いた肉芽組織内の免疫系細胞の解析,第28回日本形成外科学会基礎学術集会,仙台,2019年11月15日.
- 池田信昭,山口由衣,浅田秀夫,末木博彦,大山学,井川健,相原道子:免疫チェックポイント阻害薬による皮膚障害の実態調査及び重症化因子の解析.第49回日本皮膚免疫アレルギー学会総会学術大会,横浜,2019年12月2日.
- 菅浩隆.創傷治癒過程におけるマクロファージの役割,第49回日本創傷治癒学会,さいたま,2019年12月11日.
- Inoue SI,Niikura M,Kobayashi F,Yui K:γδ T cells modulate humoral immunity against Plasmodium berghei第48回日本免疫学会学術集会,浜松,2019年12月11-13日
- 伊藤有亜,倉田麻衣子,小林英資,下田由莉江,佐藤洋平,大山学,水川良子:重症度スコアから保存的治療を選択したカルバマゼビンによる薬剤性過敏症症候群の1例.第888回日本皮膚科学会東京地方会,東京,2020年1月18日.
- 新倉保:マラリア原虫の寄生生物学.理研セミナー,和光,2020年1月21日.
【論 文】
- Ishii J1, Suzuki A2, Kimura T2, Tateyama M2, Tanaka T2, Yazawa T1, Arimasu Y3, Chen IS2, Aoyama K2, Kubo Y2, Saitoh S2, Mizuno H2, Kamma H.(1Dokkyo Medial University, 2Nagoya City University, 3Kyorin University School of Medicine ): Congenital goitrous hypothyroidism is caused by dysfunction of the iodide transporter SLC26A7. Commun Biol. 2019 Jul 24;2:270. Doi:10.108/s42003-019-0503-6. eCollection 2019.
- Ueno T1, Saji S1, Chiba T2, Kamma H, Isaka H1, Itoh H1, Imi K1, Miyamoto K1, Tada M1, Sasano H1, Toi M1, Imoto S1. (1Tohoku University School of Medicine, 2Kyorin University School of Medicine) : Progesterone receptor expression in proliferating cancer cells of hormone-receptor-positive breast cancer. Tumour Biol. 2018 Nov;40(10):1010428318811025. Doi: 10.1177/1010428318811025
- Tanaka R1, Sakamoto N1, Suzuki H1, Tachibana K1, Ohtsuka K1, Kishimoto K1, Fujiwara M2, Kamma H, Shibahara J2, Kondo H2.(1Respiratory and Thyroid Surgery , Kyorin University School of Medicine, 2Kyorin University School of Medicine) : Genotyping and cytomorphological 2.subtyping of lung adenocarcinoma based on liquid-based cytology. Diagn Cytopathol. 2019 Jun;47(6):564-570. doi: 10.1002/dc.24154. Epub 2019 Feb 11.
- Kurata A1, Saito A1, Hashimoto H1, Fujita K1, Ohno SI1, Kamma H2, Nagao T1, Kobayashi S1, Yamashina A1, Kuroda M1. (1Tokyo Medical University, 2Kyorin University School of Medicine) :
- Difference in immunohistochemical characteristics between Takayasu arteritis and giant cell arteritis: It may be better to distinguish them in the same age. Mod Rheumatol. 2019 Jan 21:1-10. Doi: 101080/14397595.2019.1570999.[Epub ahead of print]
- Shishido Y1, Yazawa T2, Chiba T1, Kojima K1, Ishii J2, Kobayashi K3, Lee J-H3, Sumiishi A1, Tsuchiya K4, Uchihara T5, Shiokawa Y3, Takayama N6, Nagane M3, Kamma H1. ( 1Pathol..Kyorin University School of Medicine, 2Dokkyo Medial University,3Neyrosurgery.Kyorin University School of Medicine, 4 Cardiovascular Suegery Kyorin University School of Medicine, 5Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Medical Science, 6Hematology Kyorin University School of Medicine ) : Detection of t(14;18)(q32;q21) for IgH/BCL2 in central nervous system tumor-like lesions with chronic perivascular inflammation. Clinical and Experimental Neuroimmunology (1759-1961)10巻4号 Page244-258(2019.11)
- Hirokawa T1, Arimasu Y1, Nakazato Y2, Chiba T1, Fujiwara M1, Kamma H.( 1.Kyorin University School of Medicine, Respiratory and Thyroid Surgery , 2Kyorin University School of Medicine) : Effect of single‐nucleotide polymorphism in TERT promoter on follicular thyroid tumor development. Pathology InternationalEarly View First published: 15 January 2020
- Hirokawa T1, Arimasu Y1, Chiba T1, Fujiwara M1, Kamma H. ( 1.Kyorin University School of Medicine) : Clinicopathological significance of the single nucleotide polymorphism, rs2853669 within the TERT promoter in papillary thyroid carcinoma. Pathology InternationalEarly View First published: 15 January 2020
- Niikura M, Fukutomi T, Fukui K, Inoue SI1, Asahi H, Kobayashi F2 (1Nagasaki University. 2 Azabu University, Japan): G-strand Binding Protein 2 is Involved in Asexual and Sexual Development of Plasmodium berghei. Parasitol Int, in press, 2020. DOI: 10.1016/j.parint.2020.102059.
- Shimoda-Komatsu Y, Fukuyama M, Ohyama M: An elderly case of intractable psoriasis vulgaris coexisted with bullous pemphigoid and multiple comorbidities successfully treated with IL-17 blockade J Cutan Immnol Alleg 2(3): 82-83, 2019.
- McGrath JA,Ohyama M, Simpson MA: PADI3, hair disorders and genomic investigation. Br J Dermatol 181(6): 1115-1116, 2019.
【著 書】
- 杉谷巌, 伊藤康弘, 菅間博, 亀山香織, 北村守正, 絹谷清剛, 菅沼伸康, 鈴木眞一, 日比八束, 堀内喜代美(分担執筆).甲状腺癌取扱い規約 第8版 日本内分泌外科学会・日本甲状腺病理学会 編
- 新倉 保:公益財団法人大山健康財団 第44回学術研究助成金 成果報告「脂肪組織が関わる新たな妊娠マラリア病態発症機構の解明と診断技術の開発」.2019年度公益財団法人大山健康財団年報.