論 文
1) Atsushi Takagi 1, Yasuhiro Koga 2, Yuji Aiba 2, Abu Ma Kabir 2, Sumio Watanabe 1, Uki Ohta-Tada 1, Takako Osaki, Shigeru Kamiya, and Takeshi Miwa 1 (1Department of Internal Medicine and )Infectious Disease, Tokai University School of Medicine) : Plaunotol suppresses interleukin-8 secretion induced by Helicobacter pylori: Therapeutic effect of plaunotol on H. pylori infection. J. Gastroenterol. Hepatol. 15 : 374-380, 2000.
2) Motomiti Takahashi, Haruhiko Taguchi, Hiroyuki Yamaguchi, Takako Osaki, and Shigeru Kamiya : Studies of the effect of Clostridium butyricum on Helicobacter pylori in several test models including gnotobiotic mice. J. Med. Microbiol. 49 : 635-642, 2000.
3) 田口晴彦,早川雅之1,高橋志達,蔵田 訓,山口博之,神谷 茂 1 杏林大学医学部第一内科): 無菌マウスへのMycoplasma pneumoniae感染実験. 無菌生物・J. germfree life gnotobiol. 30 : 84-86, 2000.
4) 田口晴彦,早川雅之1,山口博之,小林宏行1,神谷 茂 (1 杏林大学医学部第一内科):無菌マウスへのMycoplasma pneumoniae感染実験.日本マイコプラズマ学会雑誌 27 : in press, 2000.
5) Hidehiro Watanabe1, Masayuki Hayakawa, Hisashi Igarashi, Yuko Tashimo, Nanae Saitoh, Hideki Takeda, Satoshi Takayasu, Shin Kawai, and Hiroyuki Kobayashi ( Department of Internal Medicine, Kyorin University School of Medicine) : Psittacosis with increased γδ T cells in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid. Respirology. 5: 161-164, 2000.
6) 小林富美恵:シリーズ・目で見る感染症(84)日本住血吸虫症.化学療法の領域 16 (4): 537-539, 2000.
7) Kobayashi F, Ishida H1, Matsui T & Tsuji M (1Dept. Int. Med. Clin. Res. Cent., Utano National Hospital): Effects of in vivo administration of anti-IL-10 or anti-IFN-g monoclonal antibody on the host defense mechanism against Plasmodium yoelii yoelii. J Vet Med Sci, 62 (6): 583-587, 2000.
8) Yoshida A1, 2, Maruyama H1, Amano T3, Kobayashi F, Zhang M4, Him eno K4 and Ohta N1 (1Dept. Med. Zool., Nagoya City Univ. Med. Sch., 2Jpn. Health Sci. Found., 3Dept. Parasitol., Sch. Med., Yokohama City Univ., 4Dept. Tokushima Univ. Sch. Med.): Schistosoma mansoni infection cancels the susceptibility to Plasmodium chabaudi through induction of type1 responses in A/J mice. Int Immunol 12 (8): 1117-1125, 2000.
9) Nakayama F, Teraki Y, Kudo T, Togayachi A, Iwasaki H, Tamatani T, Nishihara S, Mizukawa Y, Shiohara T, Narimatsu H.Expression of cutaneous lymphocyte-associated antigen regulated by a set of glycosyltransferases in human T cells: involvement of alpha1, 3-fucosyltransferase VII and beta1,4-galactosyltransferase I. J Invest Dermatol. 2000 Aug;115(2):299-306.
10) Teraki Y, Hotta T, Shiohara T: Increased circulating skin-homing lymphocyte-associated antigen (CLA)+type 2 ctyokine-producing cells, and decreased CLA+type 1 cytokine-producing cells in atopic dermatitis. Br J Dermatol 143:373-378, 2000.
11) Shiohara T: Viral infections, allergy and autoimmunity: a complex, but fascinating link. J Deramtol Sci 22:149-151, 2000.
12) Kano Y, Shiohara T: Current understanding of cytomegalovirus infection in immunocompetent individuals. J Dermatol Sci 22:196-204, 2000.
13) Mizukawa Y, Shiohara T: Virus-induced immune dysregulation as a triggering factor for the development of drug rashes and autoimmune diseases: with emphasis on EB virus, human herpesvirus 6 and hepatitis C virus. J Dermatol Sci 22:169-180, 2000.
14) Mizukawa Y, Shiohara T: The cytokine profile in a transient variant of angioedema with eosinophilia. Br J Dermatol 144:169-174, 2001.
口 演
1) 田口晴彦,早川雅之1,山口博之,小林宏行1,神谷 茂 (1 杏林大学医学部第一内科):無菌マウスへのMycoplasma pneumoniae感染実験. 第27回日本マイコプラズマ学会総会,神奈川,平成12年4月27 _ 28日。
2) Masayuki Hayakawa1, Haruhiko Taguchi, Shin Kawai1, Shigeru Kamiya, and Hiroyuki Kobayashi1 ( Department of Internal Medicine, Kyorin University School of Medicine) : Studies on the pathogenesis of Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection in germ-free mice. 13th International Congress of IOM, Fukuoka, Japan, July 14 _ 19, 2000.
3) 田口晴彦,山口博之,花輪智子,大崎敬子,神谷 茂:無菌マウスを用いたマイコプラズマ肺炎の病態解析. 第83回日本細菌学会関東支部総会,東京,平成12年11月20 _ 21日。
4) 田口晴彦,早川雅之1,高橋志達,蔵田 訓,山口博之,神谷 茂 (1 杏林大学医学部第一内科): 無菌および普通マウスへのMycoplasma pneumoniae感染実験. 第34回日本無菌生物・ノートバイオロジー学会,神戸,平成13年1月26 _ 27日。
5) 早川雅之1,田口晴彦,神谷 茂,佐野彰彦1,渡辺秀裕1,河合 伸1,小林宏行1 (1 杏林大学医学部第一内科): 無菌及び普通マウスへのMycoplasma pneumoniae感染実験. 第75回日本感染症学会総会学術講演会,奈良,平成13年3月29 _30日。
6) Masayuki Hayakawa1, Haruhiko Taguchi, Shin Kawai1, Shigeru Kamiya, and Hiroyuki Kobayashi1 ( Department of Internal Medicine, Kyorin University School of Medicine) : Studies on the pathogenesis of Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection in germ-free mice. 13th International Congress of IOM, Fukuoka, Japan, July 14 _ 19, 2000.
7) Kumagai T1, Yoshida A1,2, Maruyama H1, Amano T3, Kobayashi F, Kuribayashi K4 and Ohta N1 (1Dept. Med. Zool., Nagoya City Univ. Med. Sch., 2Jpn. Health Sci. Found., 3Dept. Parasitol., Sch. Med., Yokohama City Univ., 4Dept. Bioregulation, Fac. Med., Mie Univ.): Effect of Schistosoma mansoni infection on tumor growth in mice. 第69回日本寄生虫学会, 松江, 平成12年4月6日.
8) Yoshida A1,2, Maruyama H1, Kumagai T1, Amano T3, Kobayashi F, Zhang M4, Him eno K4 and Ohta N1 (1Dept. Med. Zool., Nagoya City Univ. Med. Sch., 2Jpn. Health Sci. Found., 3Dept. Parasitol., Sch. Med., Yokohama City Univ., 4Dept. Tokushima Univ. Sch. Med.): Schistosoma mansoni infection changes the susceptibility to Plasmodium chabaudi in mice. 第69回日本寄生虫学会, 松江, 平成12年4月6日.
9) Kobayashi F, Haruki K, Matsui T, Fujino T, Waki S1, Tachibana M2, Tsuboi T2, Torii T2 & Tsuji M(1Gunma Prefect. Coll. Hlth. Sci., 2Dept. Parasitol., Ehime Univ.): Establishment of protective monoclonal antibodies against Plasmodium berghei XAT infection and the stage specificity of their target antigens. 第69回日本寄生虫学会, 松江, 平成12年4月6日.
10) Yoshida A1,2, Maruyama H1, Kumagai T1, Amano T3, Kobayashi F, Kuribayasi K4 and Ohta N1 (1Dept. Med. Zool., Nagoya City Univ. Med. Sch., 2Jpn. Health Sci. Found., 3Dept. Parasitol., Sch. Med., Yokohama City Univ., 4Dept. Bioregulation, Faculty of Med., Mie Univ.): Influence of Schistosoma mansoni infection on tumor rejection in mice. The Japan-US Cooperative Medical Science Program–The 35th Joint Conference on Parasitic Diseases, Nagoya, July 27, 2000.
11) 小林富美恵: マラリア原虫感染における宿主免疫応答解析と感染防御機構. 平成12年度特定領域研究 (A)「マラリア制圧の分子論的展開」班会議, 東京, 平成12年9月9日.
12) Kobayashi F, Waki S1, Tsuruhara T2, Tsuboi T3, Torii T3 & Tsuji M(1Gunma Prefect. Coll. Hlth. Sci., 2Tokyo Gakugei Univ. 3Dept. Parasitol., Ehime Univ.): Cross reactivity of anti-Plasmodium berghei XAT protective monoclonal antibodies with P. berghei NK65. Oxford 2000–Joint meeting the British Society for Parasitology, the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, the Japanese Society of Parasitology and the Japanese Society of Tropical Medicine–, Oxford, UK, Sept. 19 2000.
13) Kobayashi F, Waki S1, Tsuruhara T2, Haruki K, Matsui T, Fujino T, Tsuboi T3, Torii T3 & Tsuji M(1Gunma Prefect. Coll. Hlth. Sci., 2Tokyo Gakugei Univ. 3Dept. Parasitol., Ehime Univ.): Characterization and specificity of protective antigens of attenuated Plasmodium berghei. 12th Japanese-German Symposium on Protozoan Diseases, Bonn, Germany, Sept. 23-26, 2000. (presented on 24th)
14) 小林富美恵, 鶴原 喬1, 深沢麻衣子2, 福田 稔3, 川上速人4, 平野 寛4, 辻 守康 (1新潟県環境衛生研・先端技術センター, 2東京学芸大・生物, 3杏林大・医・電顕, 4杏林大・医・解剖): Acanthamoeba comandoni の38-kDa抗原の性状と特異性. 第33回日本原生動物学会大会, 金沢, 平成12年11月4日.
15) 吉田彩子1, 丸山治彦1, 熊谷 貴1, 天野皓昭 2, 小林富美恵, 栗林景容3, 太田伸生1(1名古屋市大・医・医動物, 2横浜市大・医・寄生虫, 3愛媛大・医・生体防御): マンソン住血吸虫感染による腫瘍排除への影響. 第30回日本免疫学会総会・学術集会, 仙台, 平成12年11月16日.
16) Kobayashi F, Fukazawa M1, Fukuda M2, Kawakami H3, Hirano H3, Tsuji M, Tsuruhara T4 (1Dept. of Biol., Tokyo Gakugei Univ., 2Lab. for Electronmicroscopy, Kyorin Univ., 3Dept. of Anatomy, Kyorin Univ., 4Advanced Environmental Tech. Center, Environmental Science Research Niigata) : Specificity and localization of target antigens recongized by a monoclonal antibody which strongly reacted with cysts of Acanthamoeba comandoni. 40th Annal Meeting of American Society for Cell Bioloby, San Francisco, Dec. 13, 2000.
17) 渡邊 卓(シンポジウム):細胞抗原定量化のための新指標.第47回日本臨床病理学会総会,郡山,平成12年11月3日.
18) 池田忠子,松島早月,渡邊 卓,中原一彦,内村英正:CD45 isoforms発現の異なるT細胞亜群上のCD4,CD8に関する「FF係数(抗原密度の指標)」の比較.第47回日本臨床病理学会総会,郡山,平成12年11月3日.
19) 水川良子,寺木祐一,塩原哲夫:末梢血CD4+, CD8+ T 細胞におけるCLA, fucosyltransferase-VII発現の解離. 第25回日本研究皮膚科学会,岐阜,平成12年8月
20) alphaEbeta7インテグリンのCD8細胞への選択的発現は表皮内T細胞の分布に関与する 寺木祐一,塩原哲夫(杏林大)第25回日本研究皮膚科学会(平成12年9月)
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