
1) Nanno M1, Shiohara T2, Yamamoto H3, Kawakami K4, Ishikawa H5 (1 Yakult Central Institute for Microbiological Research, 2 Department of Dermatology, 3 Department of immunology, Graduate school of pharmaceutical Sciences, Osaka University, 4 Division of Microbiology and immunology, school of Health Sciences, Tohoku University, 5 Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Keio University, School of Medicine): γδ T cells: firefighters or fire boosters in the front lines of inflammatory responses. Immunol Rev, 215:103-113, 2007
2) Inaoka M1, Kimishima M1, Takahashi R, Shiohara T1 (1 Department of Dermatology): Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs selectively inhibit cytokine production by NK cells and gamma delta T cells: Exp Dermatol, 15:981-990, 2006
3) Shiohara T1, Inaoka M1, Kano Y1 (1 Department of Dermatology): Drug-induced hypersensitivity syndrome (DIHS): a reaction induced by a complex interplay among herpesviruses and antiviral and antidrug immune responses. Allergol Int, 55:1-8, 2006
4) Kano Y1, Teraki Y1, Shiohara T1 (1 Department of Dermatology): Dramatic improvement of psoriatic erythroderma after acute hepatitis: analysis of cytokine synthesis capability in peripheral blood T cells. Br J Dermatol, 155:455-459, 2006
5) Kano Y1, Hiraharas K1, Sakuma K1, Shiohara T1 (1 Department of Dermatology): Several herpesviruses can reactivate in a severe drug-induced multiorgan reaction in the same sequential order as in graft-versus-host disease. Br J Dermatol, 155:301-306, 2006
6) Kano Y1, Seishima M1, Shiohara T1 (1 Department of Dermatology). Hypogammaglobulinemia as an early sign of drug-induced hypersensitivity syndrome. J Am Acad Dermatol, 55:727-728, 2006
7) Katsuta M1, Takigawa Y1, Kimishima M1, Inaoka M1, Takahashi R, Shiohara T1 (1 Department of Dermatology): NK cells and gamma delta+ T cells are phenotypically and functionally defective due to preferential apoptosis in patients with atopic dermatitis. J Immunol, 176:7736-7744, 2006
8) Osaki T1, Hanawa T1, Manzoku T1, Fukuda M2, Kawakami H3, Suzuki H4, Yamaguchi H5, Yen X6, Taguchi H1, Kurata S1 & Kamiya S1 (1Department of Infectious Diseases, 2Laboratory for Electron Microscopy, and 3Second Department of Anatomy, 4Department of Internal Medicine, Keio University School of Medicine, 5Department of Basic Laboratory Sciences, School of Allied Health Sciences, Osaka University, 6Department of Microbiology, Kunming Medical School): Mutation of luxS affects motility and infectivity of Helicobacter pylori in gastric mucosa of a Mongolian gerbil model. J. Med. Microbiol, 55:1477-1485, 2006.
1) Shiohara T1, Takahashi R, and Kano Y1 (1 Department of Dermatology): Drug-Induced Hypersensitivity Syndrome and Viral Reactivation. Drug Hypersensitivity. Basel, Karger, 224-239, 2007.
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1) 大崎敬子1,平本 茂2,鈴木 良雄2,花輪智子1,蔵田 訓1,田口晴彦1,神谷 茂 (1感染症学講座,2日清ファルマ株式会社) :Helicobacter pyloriの胃上皮細胞付着性におよぼすFP−10の効果,第11回小児ヘリコバクター研究会,東京,平成19年3月10日.
2) 小林富美恵1,新倉 保2,川上 泰3,内田明彦3,脇 誠治4(1感染症学講座・寄生虫学部門,2共同研究施設・実験動物施設部門,3麻布大・環境保健,4群馬県立・県民健康科学大):Plasmodium berghei 弱毒株感染マウスにおけるFoxp3陽性CD4+CD25+ T 細胞の推移とその役割. 第75回日本寄生虫学会大会, 弘前, 平成18年5月19-20日.
3) Takahashi R, Mizukawa Y1, and Shiohara T1 (Dept. of Dermatology): Dynamic balance between Fuc T- IV and Fuc T- VII is a major check point for the regulation of skin-homing CD4+T cell differentiation. The 31st annual meeting of the Japanese Society for Investigative Dermatology, Kyoto, May 31-June 2, 2006.
4) 高橋 良,塩原哲夫1(1皮膚科): MacOS X環境におけるFACSデーターマネージメント,第16回日本サイトメトリー学会学術集会,長崎,平成18年7月7日.
5) Niikura M1, Kawakami Y2, Uchida A2, Waki S3, Kobayashi F4 (1Inst. Lab. Anim., Kyorin Univ. Schl. Med., 2Lab. Med. Zool., Azabu Univ., 3Gunma prefect. Coll. Hlth. Sci., 4Dept. Infect. Dis., Kyorin Univ. Schl. Med.) :Analyses of cellular and cytokine responses in gdT cell-depleted mice and untreated mice during non-lethal Plasmodium berghei XAT infection. The 71st Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Interferon & Cytokine Research, Nishinomiya, July 7-8, 2006.
6) Kobayashi F1, Niikura M2, Kawakami Y3, Uchida A3, Waki S4, (1Dept. Infect. Dis., Kyorin Univ. Schl. Med., 2Inst. Lab. Anim., Kyorin Univ. Schl. Med., 3Lab. Med. Zool., Azabu Univ., 4Gunma prefect. Coll. Hlth. Sci.): Contribution of regulatory T cells to restrain pathogenic responses during Plasmodium berghei nonlethal infection. The 14th Japanese-German Cooperative Symposium on Protozoan Diseases. Obihiro, September 18th, 2006.
7) Taniguchi T1, Nannoor K2, Chun LC1, Tominaga-Miyaji C3, Kobayashi F4, Watanabe H1 (1Div. Cell. Mol. Immunol., Cent. Mol. Biosci., Univ. Ryukyus; 2Div. Trop. Fac. Med., Univ. Ryukyus; 3Dept. Med. Technol., Sch. Health Sci., Fac. Med., Niigata Univ., 4Dept. Infect. Dis., Kyorin Univ. Schl. Med.): Analysis of NKT and gd T cell subsets in patients with falciparum malaria in South-east Asia. The 36th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Immunologists, Osaka, December 11-13, 2006.
8) Takahashi R : Recent flow cytometric analysis; cytometric beads array (CBA). Lunch Talk in International College, Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand, Feb 20, 2007.
9) Kobayashi F1, Niikura M2, Ishiwatari M3, Kanno Y3, Kawaka Y3, Uchida A3, Waki S4, (1Dept. Infect. Dis., Kyorin Univ. Schl. Med., 2Inst. Lab. Anim., Kyorin Univ. Schl. Med., 3Lab. Med. Zool., Azabu Univ., 4Gunma prefect. Coll. Hlth. Sci.): Expansion anc cytokine response of splenic dendritic cell subpopulations during Plasmodium berghei malaria. The 76th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Parasitology, Osaka, March 29-30, 2007.

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