
研究業績 − 2018年度(平成30年度) bookmark



論文(原著・総説) bookmark

  • Ide S, Finer G, Maezawa Y, Onay T, Souma T, Scott R, Ide K, Akimoto Y, Li C, Ye M, Zhao X, Baba Y, Minamizuka T, Jin J, Takemoto M, Yokote K, Quaggin SE: Transcription factor 21 is required for branching morphogenesis and regulates the Gdnf-axis in kidney development. J Am Soc Nephrol 29: 2795-2808, 2018.
    (PubMed, DOI)
  • Goto Y, Ogawa Y, Tsumoto H, Miura Y, Nakamura TJ, Ogawa K, Akimoto YV, Kawakami HV, Endo T, Yanoshita R, Tsujimoto M: Contribution of the exosome-associated form of secreted endoplasmic reticulum aminopeptidase 1 to exosome-mediated macrophage activation. Biochim Biophys Acta Mol Cell Res 1865: 874-888, 2018.
    (PubMed, DOI)
  • Itoh K, Akimoto Y, Kondo S, Ichimiya T, Aoki K, Tiemeyer M, Nishihara S: Glucuronylated core 1 glycans are required for precise localization of neuromuscular junctions and normal formation of basement membranes on Drosophila muscles. Develop Biol 436: 108-124, 2018.
    (PubMed, DOI)
  • Yoshimura T, Watanabe T, Kuramochi-Miyagawa S, Takemoto N, Shiromoto Y, Kudo A, Kanai-Azuma M, Tashiro F, Miyazaki S, Katanaya A, Chuma S, Miyazaki JI: Mouse GTSF1 is an essential factor for secondary piRNA biogenesis. EMBO Rep 19: e42054, 2018.
    (PubMed, DOI)
  • Hamano S, Nishibori Y, Hada I, Mikami N, Ito-Nitta N, Fukuhara D, Kudo A, Xiao Z, Nukui M, Patrakka J, Tryggvason K, Yan K: Association of crumbs homolog-2 with mTORC1 in developing podocyte. PLoS One 13: e0202400, 2018.
    (PubMed, DOI)
  • Ohara-Imaizumi M, Aoyagi K, Yamauchi H, Yoshida M, Mori MX, Hida Y, Tran HN, Ohkura M, Abe M, Akimoto Y, Nakamichi Y, Nishiwaki C, Kawakami H, Hara K, Sakimura K, Nagamatsu S, Mori Y, Nakai N, Kakei M3, Ohtsuka T: ELKS/voltage-dependent Ca2+ channel-β subunit module regulates polarized Ca2+ influx in pancreatic β cells. Cell Rep 26: 1213-1226, 2019.
    (PubMed, DOI)

著書 bookmark

  • Miyamoto K, Ikehara Y, Ikehara S, Akimoto Y, Sakakita H, Ishikawa K, Ueda M, Ikeda J, Nakanishi H, Shimizu N, Shimizu T, Hori M: Cutting-edge technologies of bleeding control using nonthermal plasma—mechanism of blood coagulation and wound healing. In: Plasma Medical Science. 1st ed. Toyokuni S, Ikehara Y, Kikkawa F, Hori M, eds. Tokyo, Academic Press, 2018, Chapter 6.2, p.322-328.
    (Publisher, ISBN:978-0-12815004-7)
  • Akimoto Y, Ikehara S, Yamaguchi T, Kim J, Kawakami H, Shimizu N, Hori M, Sakakita H, Ikehara Y: Chapter 6.4 Molecular morphological analysis of the effect of plasma irradiation on cells, tissue. In: Plasma Medical Science. 1st ed. Toyokuni S, Ikehara Y, Kikkawa F, Hori M, eds. Tokyo, Academic Press, 2018, p.336-345.
    (Publisher, ISBN:978-0-12815004-7)
  • Tanaka A, Koga K, Kitazaki S, Akimoto Y, Ikehara Y: Chapter 7.2 General concepts of basic safety on plasma treatment. In: Plasma Medical Science. 1st ed. Toyokuni S, Ikehara Y, Kikkawa F, Hori M, eds. Tokyo, Academic Press, 2018, p.390-400.
    (Publisher, ISBN:978-0-12815004-7)
  • 宮東昭彦川上速人:画像解析によるデータ数値化の基礎.組織細胞化学2018.日本組織細胞化学会編集,東京,学際企画,2018, p.109–120.
    (Publisher, ISBN:978-4-906514-93-9)
  • 坂井建雄,川上速人(監訳):ジュンケイラ組織学 第5版(原著14版).東京,丸善,2018.
    (Publisher, ISBN:978-4-621-30339-9)
  • 川上速人(翻訳):第2章 細胞質.ジュンケイラ組織学 第5版(原著14版).坂井建雄,川上速人監訳,東京,丸善,2018,p.19–58.
    (Publisher, ISBN:978-4-621-30339-9)
  • 川上速人(翻訳):第4章 上皮組織.ジュンケイラ組織学 第5版(原著14版).坂井建雄,川上速人監訳,東京,丸善, 2018,p.79–104.
    (Publisher, ISBN:978-4-621-30339-9)
  • 秋元義弘(翻訳):第5章 結合組織.ジュンケイラ組織学 第5版(原書14版).坂井建雄,川上速人監訳,東京,丸善, 2018,p.105-132.
    (Publisher, ISBN:978-4-621-30339-9)
  • 宮東昭彦(翻訳):第20章 内分泌腺.ジュンケイラ組織学 第5版(原書14版).坂井建雄,川上速人 監訳.東京,丸善,2018.p.443-470.
    (Publisher, ISBN:978-4-621-30339-9)
  • 川上速人(監修協力):病気が見えるvol.9 婦人科・乳腺外科 第4版,東京,メディックメディア,2018.
    (Publisher, ISBN:978-4-89632-712-0)

その他 bookmark

  • 秋元義弘川上速人:杏林医学会第34回例会主催,三鷹,2018年11月27日.「O-GlcNAc modification of protein: roles in neurodegenerative diseases and diabetes」(演者 Prof. Gerald W. Hart: Department of Biological Chemistry, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine).
  • 解剖学教室(顕微解剖学):「本質を見抜く心構えを」医学部解剖学教室 川上速人教授の最終講義.学園会報あんず No.440,12-1月号,p.13,2019.杏林大学ホームページ, 2018年12月17日掲載.
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