ホーム >  学生のつぶやき  >  【GCP便り】河田悠吾さんのクアラルンプール留学生活


次に、ニライ大学での学びについてお話しします。9/3から10/5までは基礎英語のクラスのみで、おもにスピーキング・ライティング・リスニング・リーディングの4つを集中的に学習しました。10/6からはクラスが変わり、専門分野の授業がはじまります。私は現在、①English、②International Business、③Personal Branding の3つの科目を受講しています。



総合政策学科2年 河田悠吾 2018.10.27

I am studying at Nilai University in the suburbs of Kuala Lumpur, the capital city of Malaysia, from August 28 to December 17. There are four main purposes that I am studying abroad in Malaysia. Firstly, I improve my English ability. Secondly, I will study economics and international relations in English next year. Thirdly, I think that English will become a very important language in the future. Fourthly, it is to overcome my weak points of English These are the four reasons why I am studying abroad. Next, what am I learning at Nilai University? From September 3th to October 5th, I mainly study four of English classes, mainly speaking, writing, listening and reading. Classes will change from October 6th, and subjects that I can take classes in English will be included. I am learning three subjects, International Business, Personal Branding and English now. I think the level at Nilai University is honestly high. Study is hard and painful. Preliminary review and review are essential. Certainly, there are enjoy things to do too. I am actively talking to foreigners. As a result of doing this effort, studying is still necessary, but resistance and anxiety to talk are gone. I would like to continue from now on. Thanks to this, now I am able to make lots of foreign friends and have fun studying abroad. I ate food and went sightseeing to the capital city Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia. Finally, my parent let me go to study abroad, Professor Kitajima of Kyorin University who supported English up to study abroad, I thank my friends. I hope to continue my studies so that I can speak English.

Yugo Kawata 2018.10.27.

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