大学ホーム外国語学部一般の方論文・翻訳コンテスト第4回翻訳部門(日本語課題 → 英語訳)講評


第4回翻訳部門(日本語課題 → 英語訳)講評 教授 Peter McMillan


To translate from Japanese to English was the most difficult choice in the translation contest this year because it is most difficult to translate into a language that is not one’s native language. Yet the standard was very high and all of the entries were quite similar in ability. I commend all the participants and extend congratulations on your achievements. The translations displayed in every case that the student had understood completely the text and had made an excellent attempt to translate it. To improve one’s translation skills, the next step is not only to think about accuracy but also about rendering the original into English that is natural and pleasant to read.


The translation of Ms Yoshikawa was brilliant in several respects. First of all the translation was accurate in every respect not only in terms of the content but also in terms of conveying the style of the original in a natural way in English.

Secondly Ms Yoshikawa’s translation reads very naturally in English suggesting that her English ability is close to that of a native speaker. The translation was natural in almost all respects and incorporated some quite complex grammatical constructions such as “Not only… but also,” “will not be able to avoid the fact…” and “Using …. as a model …“ in a natural and effective manner.

There was the occasional phrasing which was not exactly felicitous in the translation such as “making seminars proceed at a fast pace” but on the whole the translation was not only accurate but also natural and readable in English. In short Ms Yoshikawa’s achievement is remarkable. Congratulations!


Ms. Kaede Yoshida completed an excellent translation. Her translation demonstrates that she understood completely the original and was able to convey it in an English that was for the most part easy to understand and natural to read. To improve her translation skills I would suggest more practice in speaking and reading and writing in English to that she can express herself in a more natural way. Nevertheless her translation was excellent and I commend her good work and wish her every success for the future.
