
研究業績 − 2004年度(平成16年度) bookmark

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論文(原著・総説) bookmark

  • Kosaka Y, Akimoto Y, Yokozawa K, Obinata A, Hirano H: Localization of HB9 homeodomain protein and characterization of its nuclear localization signal during chick embryonic skin development.
    Histochem Cell Biol 122: 237-247, 2004. (PubMed, DOI)
  • Fuse T, Kanai Y, Kanai-Azuma M, Suzuki M, Nakamura K, Mori H, Hayashi Y, Mishima M:
    Conditional activation of RhoA suppresses the epithelial to mesenchymal transition at the primitive streak during mouse gastrulation. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 318: 665-672, 2004.
    (PubMed, DOI)
  • Sato T, Kanai Y, Noma T, Kanai-Azuma M, Taya S, Matsui T, Ishii M, Kawakami H, Kurohmaru M, Kaibuchi K, Wood SA, Hayashi Y:
    A close correlation in the expression patterns of Af-6 and Usp9x in Sertoli and granulosa cells of mouse testis and ovary.
    Reproduction 128: 583-594, 2004. (PubMed, DOI)
  • Inatomi J, Horita S, Braverman N, Sekine T, Yamada H, Suzuki Y, Kawahara K, Moriyama N, Kudo A, Kawakami H, Shimadzu M, Endou H, Fujita T, Seki G, Igarashi T:
    Mutational and functional analysis of SLC4A4 in a patient with proximal renal tubular acidosis.
    Pflugers Arch 448: 438-444, 2004. (PubMed, DOI)
  • Nishibori Y, Liu L, Hosoyamada M, Endou H, Kudo A, Takenaka H, Higashihara E, Bessho F, Takahashi S, Kershaw D, Ruotsalainen V, Tryggvason K, Khoshnoodi J, Yan K:
    Disease-causing missense mutations in NPHS2 gene alter normal nephrin trafficking to the plasma membrane.
    Kidney Int 66:1755-1765, 2004. (PubMed, DOI)
  • 秋元義弘川上速人: 糖尿病と糖転移酵素 (O-GlcNAc transferase) との関係.
    顕微鏡 39: 125-128, 2004. (Publisher site (PDF))
  • Kidokoro T, Matoba S, Hiramatsu R, Fujisawa M, Kanai-Azuma M, Taya C, Kurohmaru M, Kawakami H, Hayashi Y, Kanai Y, Yonekawa H:
    Influence on spatiotemporal patterns of a male-specific Sox9 activation by ectopic Sry expression during early phases of testis differentiation in mice.
    Dev Biol 278: 511-525, 2005. (PubMed, DOI)
  • Kitamura N, Ikekita M, Sato T, Akimoto Y, Hatanaka Y, Kawakami H, Inomata M, Furukawa K:
    Mouse Na+/K+-ATPase β1-subunit has a K+-dependent cell adhesion activity for β-GlcNAc-terminating glycans.
    Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 102: 2796-2801, 2005. (PubMed, DOI)
  • Hosoyamada M, Yan K, Nishibori Y, Takiue Y, Kudo A, Kawakami H, Shibasaki T, Endou H:
    Nephrin and podocin expression around the onset of puromycin aminonucleoside nephrosis.
    J Pharmacol Sci 97: 234-241, 2005. (PubMed, DOI)

著書 bookmark

  • 金井正美(分担): 初期腸管形成 (Sox17).
    「モデル動物の作製と維持」(森脇和郎,山村研一,米川博通 編),東京,(株)エル・アイ・シー,2004, p.896-900. (Publisher, ISBN 978-4-900487-38-3)
  • 金井正美, 金井克晃,川上速人(分担): ISH法の発生学への応用.
    「組織細胞化学2004」(日本組織細胞化学会 編),東京,学際企画,2004, p.47-52. (CiNii, Publisher, ISBN 978-4-906514-49-6)
  • 平野 寛秋元義弘(分担): 人体の構造と生命機能. A. 人体構造概論.「健康・栄養科学シリーズ 人体の構造と機能及び疾病の成り立ち・総論」(香川靖雄,近藤和雄,石田 均,門脇 孝 編),南江堂,東京,2005, p.1-11. (Publisher, ISBN 978-4-524-23692-3)

その他 bookmark
