
研究業績 − 2007年度(平成19年度) bookmark

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論文(原著・総説) bookmark

  • Ohara-Imaizumi M, Fujiwara T, Nakamichi Y, Okamura T, Akimoto Y, Kawai J, Matsushima S, Kawakami H, Watanabe T, Akagawa K, Nagamatsu S:
    Imaging analysis reveals mechanistic differences between first- and second-phase insulin exocytosis.
    J Cell Biol 177: 695-705, 2007. (PubMed, DOI)
  • Nakajo A, Khoshnoodi J, Takenaka H, Hagiwara E, Watanabe T, Kawakami H, Kurayama R, Sekine Y, Bessho F, Takahashi S, Swiatecka-Urban A, Tryggvason K, Yan K:
    Mizoribine corrects defective nephrin biogenesis by restoring intracellular energy balance.
    J Am Soc Nephrol 18: 2554-2564, 2007. (PubMed, DOI)
  • Shimoda M, Kanai-Azuma M, Hara K, Miyazaki S, Kanai Y, Monden M, Miyazaki J:
    Sox17 plays a substantial role of in late-stage differentiation of the extraembryonic endoderm in vitro.
    J Cell Sci 120: 3859-3869, 2007. (PubMed, DOI)
  • Sakamoto Y, Hara K, Kanai-Azuma M, Matsui T, Miura Y, Tsunekawa N, Kurohmaru M, Saijoh Y, Koopman P, Kanai Y:
    Redundant roles of Sox17 and Sox18 in early cardiovascular development of mouse embryos.
    Biochem Biophys Res Commun 360: 539-544, 2007. (PubMed, DOI)
  • Crane C, Akhter N, Johnson BW, Iruthayanathan M, Syed F, Kudo A, Zhou YH, Childs GV:
    Fasting and glucose effects on pituitary leptin expression: is leptin a local signal for nutrient status?
    J Histochem Cytochem 55: 1059-1073, 2007. (PubMed, DOI)
  • Ichikawa-Shindo Y, Sakurai T, Kamiyoshi A, Kawate H, Iinuma N, Yoshizawa T, Koyama T, Fukuchi J, Iimuro S, Moriyama N, Kawakami H, Murata T, Kangawa K, Nagai R, Shindo T:
    The GPCR modulator protein RAMP2 is essential for angiogenesis and vascular integrity.
    J Clin Invest 118: 29-39, 2008. (PubMed, DOI)
  • Kabir-Salmani M, Fukuda MN, Kanai-Azuma M, Ahmed N, Shiokawa S, Akimoto Y, Sakai K, Nagamori S, Kanai Y, Sugihara K, Iwashita M:
    The membrane-spanning domain of CD98 heavy chain promotes αvβ3 integrin signals in human extravillous trophoblasts.
    Mol Endocrinol 22: 707-715, 2008. (Pubmed, DOI)
  • Mizukami T, Kanai Y, Fujisawa M, Kanai-Azuma M, Kurohmaru M, Hayashi Y:
    Five azacytidine, a DNA methyltransferase inhibitor, specifically inhibits testicular co formation and Sertoli cell differentiation in vitro.
    Mol Reprod Dev 75: 1002-1010, 2008. (PubMed, DOI)

著書 bookmark

  • 宮東昭彦川上速人:画像解析ソフト(ImageJなど)の使用と展開.
    「組織細胞化学2007 −組織細胞化学の基本から先端技術まで−」.日本組織細胞化学会編.東京,学際企画,2007. p. 181-190.(CiNii, ISBN: 978-4-906514-67-0)

その他 bookmark
