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ÏÀʸ¡Ê¸¶Ãø¡¦ÁíÀâ¡Ë bookmark

  • Akimoto Y, Ikehara S, Yamaguchi T, Kim J, Kawakami H, Shimizu N, Hori M, Sakakita H, Ikehara Y: Galectin expression in healing wounded skin treated with low-temperature plasma: comparison with the treatment by electronical coagulation. Arch Biochem Biophys 605: 86–94, 2016.¡¡¡¡
    (PubMed, DOI)
  • Aoyagi K, Ohara-Imaizumi M, Itakura M, Torii S, Akimoto Y, Nishiwaki C, Nakamichi Y, Kishimoto T, Kawakami H, Harada A, Takahashi M, Nagamatsu S: VAMP7 regulates autophagy to maintain mitochondrial homeostasis and to control insulin secretion in pancreatic β-cells. Diabetes 65: 1648–1659, 2016.
    (PubMed, DOI)
  • Miyamoto Y, Ikehara S, Takei H, Akimoto Y, Sakakita H, Ishikawa K, Ueda M, Ikeda J, Yamagishi M, Kim J, Yamaguchi T, Nakanishi H, Shimizu N, Shimizu T, Hori M, Ikehara Y: Red blood cell coagulation induced by low-temperature plasma treatment. Arch Biochem Biophys 605: 95–101, 2016.
    (PubMed, DOI)
  • Itoh K, Akimoto Y, Fuwa TJ, Sato C, Komatsu A, Nishihara S: Mucin-type core 1 glycans are involved in determination of location of neuromuscular junctions and establishment of muscle cell architecture in Drosophila. Dev Biol 412: 114–127, 2016.
    (PubMed, DOI)
  • Ishibashi R, Takemoto M, Akimoto Y, Ishikawa T, He P, Maezawa Y, Sakamoto K, Tsurutani Y, Ide S, Ide K, Kawamura H, Kobayashi K, Tokuyama H, Tryggvason K, Betsholtz C, Yokote K: A novel podocyte gene, Semaphorin 3G, protects glomerular podocyte from lipopolysaccharide-induced inflammation. Scientific Report 6: 25955, 2016.
    (PubMed, DOI)
  • Mizukawa Y, Doi T, Yamazaki Y, Kudo A, Shiohara T: Epidermal neuromedin U attenuates IgE-mediated allergic skin inflammation. PLoS One 11(7): e0160122, 2016.
    (PubMed, DOI)
  • Sugahara D, Kobayashi Y, Akimoto Y, Kawakami H: Mouse intestinal niche cells express a distinct α1,2-fucosylated glycan recognized by a lectin from Burkholderia cenocepacia. Glycobiology 27: 246-253, 2017.
    (PubMed, DOI)
  • ½©¸µµÁ¹°¡¤±óÆ£¶ÌÉס¤Àî¾å®¿Í¡§Ç¾¤Î¸«¤¨¤ë²½¡Ýʬ»Ò¡¦µ¡Ç½¶ÉºßÊÔ¡¥Åüº¿¤Î¶Éºß¤ò¸«¤ë¡¥Clinical Neuroscience 34: 643–645, 2016.¡¡

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  • Akimoto Y, Takata K, Kawakami H: Pre-embedding method of electron microscopy for glycan localization in mammalian tissues and cells using lectin probes. In: High-Resolution Imaging of Cellular Proteins. Schwartzbach SD, Skalli O, Schikorski T (eds). New York, Humara Press, Methods Mol Biol 1474: p.259–267, 2016.
    (PubMed, DOI)
  • ½©¸µµÁ¹°¡¤»°ÂðÀµµª¡§¿Þ­¶-2 ºÙ¶Ý¤ÎĶÇöÀÚÊÒÁü¡¥ÈùÀ¸Êª³Ø¡Ýɸ¶ÈùÀ¸Êª¤È¼£ÎÅÌô¡Ý²þÄûÂè7ÈÇ¡¥º£°æ¹¯Ç·¡¤Áýß·½Ó¹¬ ÊÔ¡¤Åìµþ¡¤ÆƲ¡¤2016, p.12.
    (Publisher, ISBN:978-4-524-40325-7)
  • Àî¾å®¿Í¡Ê´Æ½¤¶¨ÎÏ¡Ë¡§Éµ¤¤¬¸«¤¨¤ë2¡Ö½Û´Ä´ï¡×Âè4ÈÇ¡¥Åìµþ¡¤¥á¥Ç¥£¥Ã¥¯¥á¥Ç¥£¥¢¡¤2017.(Publisher, ISBN: 978-4-89632-643-7)

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  • ²ò˶³Ø¶µ¼¼¡Ê¸²Èù²ò˶³Ø¡Ë¡§Âè57²óÆüËÜÁÈ¿¥ºÙ˦²½³Ø²ñÁí²ñ¡¦³Ø½Ñ½¸²ñ ³«ºÅÊó¹ð¡¥³Ø±à²ñÊó¤¢¤ó¤º No.424¡¤8-9·î¹æ¡¤p.9¡¤2016¡¥°ÉÎÓÂç³Ø¥Û¡¼¥à¥Ú¡¼¥¸, 2016ǯ9·î6Æü·ÇºÜ¡¥
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