
研究業績 − 2020年度(令和2年度) bookmark



論文(原著・総説) bookmark

  • Isoda K, Tanaka A, Fuzimori C, Echigoya M, Taira Y, Taira I, Shimizu Y, Akimoto Y, Kawakami H, Ishida I: Toxicity of gold nanoparticles in mice due to nanoparticle/drug interaction induces acute kidney damage. Nanoscale Res Lett. 15. 141, 2020.
    (PubMed, DOI)
  • Ando Y, Sato Y, Kudo A, Watanabe T, Hirakata A, Okada AA, Umezawa K, Keino H: Anti-inflammatory effects of the NF-κB inhibitor dehydroxymethylepoxyquinomicin of ARPE-19 cells. Mol Med Rep. 22. 582-590. 2020. 
    (PubMed, DOI)
  • Pecori F, Akimoto Y, Hanamatsu H, Furukawa J, Shinohara Y, Ikehara Y, Nishihara S: Mucin-type O-glycosylation controls pluripotency in mouse embryonic stem cells via Wnt receptor endocytosis. J Cell Sci. 133. 2020.
    (PubMed, DOI)
  • Yokoyama N, Sivakumar T, Ikehara S, Akimoto Y, Yamaguchi T, Wakai K, Ishikawa K, Hori M, Shimizu T, Sakakita H, Ikehara Y: Growth inhibition effect on Trypanosoma brucei gambiense by the oxidative stress supplied from low-temperature plasma at atmospheric pressure. Jpn J Appl Phys. 60. 020601. 2021.
  • Ishikawa T, Takemoto M, Akimoto Y, Takada-Watanabe A, Yan K, Sakamoto K, Maezawa Y, Suguro M, He L, Tryggvason K, Betsholtz C: A novel podocyte protein, R3h domain containing-like, inhibits TGF-β-induced p38 MAPK and regulates the structure of podocytes and glomerular basement membrane. J Mol Med. 2021.
    (PubMed, DOI)
  • 花輪智子,宮岡千尋,北条史,河野洋平,米澤英雄,大崎敬子,蔵田訓,秋元義弘川上速人,青山隆夫,神谷茂:(p)ppGpp欠損変異によるHelicobacter pyloriの性状の変化.BACTERIAL ADHEREN & BIOFILM. 33.19-26.2019.(2020年5月1日発行)

著書 bookmark

  • 秋元義弘宮東昭彦(分担執筆):免疫電子顕微鏡法の基礎と応用.組織細胞化学2020.日本組織細胞化学会 編集.学際企画.2020.143-157.
    (Publisher, ISBN: 978-4-906514-95-3)
  • 川上速人(監修協力):病気がみえる.vol.2.循環器.第5版.メディックメディア.2021.
    (Publisher, ISBN: 978-4-89632-830-1)

その他 bookmark

  • 秋元義弘:(巻頭言)新型コロナウイルス終息後の学会の発展を期して.顕微鏡.55 (3).101. 2020.