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  • タイ国保健省立シリントーン公衆衛生大学チョンブリ校Dr.Kamolnat Muangyimが本学に来訪しています

タイ国保健省立シリントーン公衆衛生大学チョンブリ校Dr.Kamolnat Muangyimが本学に来訪しています

 I am Dr. Kamolnat Muangyim. I am a pharmacist (Bachelor degree of Pharmacy – Chiang-Mai University, Thailand) who works as a faculty member at Sirindhorn College of Public Health, Chonburi, Thailand. I received higher education in public health arena, consisting of the Master degree in Public Health – Health System Development - Chulalongkorn University, Thailand, and Doctor of Philosophy in Health Economics and Human Resource Management-University of Liverpool, England. My current roles are 1) an instructor, teaching Health Economics, the Philosophy of Sufficiency Economy, and Pharmacology; 2) a researcher, some ongoing researches such as 2.1) long term care preference among Thai elderly; 2.2) how Thai nurse responded to Discrete Choice Experiment questionnaire; 2.3) Factors contributing to sustainable organic agriculture; 2.4) Rational drug use awareness among Thai Health profession, etc


 According to health economics’ concept, health is a personal asset. This means maintaining healthy status is an individual responsibility. Yet currently most of the Thais seem to be health facilities’ dependence, particularly after the implementation of the Universal Coverage policy. This national health insurance scheme has shifted the burden of health expenses from individual household to the government. As a consequence, high and increasing national health expenditure (due to the increase of health service utilization rate), and shortage and mal-distribution of health personnel (causing stretched and stressed health workers) have been persistently reported. Fortunately, His Majesty, King Bhumiphol’s initiation, the so called “Philosophy of Sufficiency Economy” can be adopted as the break though strategy to stop the vicious cycle of public health system’ problems in Thailand. Therefore, I am especially interested in the promotion of self reliance in health among Thai people.


 Between 9th May and 7th June, I am visiting Kyorin University as a visiting scholar. The purpose of this visit is to understand the Japanese elderly long term care system, in order to apply it to develop the community long term care system in Thailand based on the Philosophy of Sufficiency Economy. I have been staying in Japan almost three weeks. So far, I’ve met a lot of friendly and helpful people and I’m very happy to be here. I received higher education in public health arena, consisting of the Master degree in Public Health – Health System Development - Chulalongkorn University, Thailand, and Doctor of Philosophy in Health Economics and Human Resource Management-University of Liverpool, England. My current roles are 1) an instructor, teaching Health Economics, the Philosophy of Sufficiency Economy, and Pharmacology; 2) a researcher, some ongoing researches such as 2.1) long term care preference among Thai elderly; 2.2) how Thai nurse responded to Discrete Choice Experiment questionnaire; 2.3) Factors contributing to sustainable organic agriculture; 2.4) Rational drug use awareness among Thai Health profession, etc

