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平成29年6月17日(土)15:30から高校生向けの英語ライティングセミナーが、Jason Somerville特任講師の指導と杏林大学生のピアチューターの助けのもとに行われました。3高校(武蔵村山高校、藤村女子高校、関東国際高校)から12名の高校生が、Simile and Metaphor(直喩と隠喩)について学びました。その表現方法を学ぶとともに、「つまらない詩」を「面白い詩」に自分で書き換えることを試しました。最後にはアンケートを行い、このセミナーの評価と今後の要望を聞き、セミナーは盛況のうちに終わりました。

The spring Writing Seminar on Simile and Metaphor took place on Saturday, June 17, 2017 and was a great success. Twelve students from three senior high schools (Musashi Murayama, FujimuraJosi and KantoKokusai) participated. Three KWC Peer Tutors attended the seminar and assisted the teacher.

The students were welcomed and then introduced to what similes and metaphors are used for: using words (figurative language) in a nonliteral sense to convey your meaning for the purpose of achieving better fluency and native-speaker likeness. Students practiced many activities using similes and metaphors before going on to create their own examples.

Students were tasked with turning an ’uninteresting’ poem into an ’interesting’ poem using their own similes and metaphors. The students did an excellent job and were very creative in their language use. The seminar was wrapped up with a short survey (about the current seminar and future seminars) and then photographs.
