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平成29年7月13日に関東国際高校でJason Somerville特任講師が、高校生40名、高校教員6名の中で、彼の母国スコットランドとエジンバラそしてその地の教育システムについてプレゼンを行いました。 日本と大きく違う高校生活や大学システムに関して高校生は興味深く聞き入っていました。 その後、杏林大学に滞在しているTexas A&M大学の大学生20人と関東国際高校の高校生が国際交流を行い、有意義な時間を過ごしました。

It was my pleasure to attend Kanto International School and give a presentation to the Asian Language students. The title of my presentation was ‘My Country, my city, and the school system’. In my presentation I introduced my hometown of Edinburgh (Scotland) and the Scottish education system. The Kanto students were interested to know that we do not have club activity or cram schools in Scotland, so high school students generally have more free time for hanging out. The students were impressed that university in Scotland is free (unlike England). Also highlighted were the many famous people went to the University of Edinburgh, such as Charles Darwin, Alexander Graham Bell, and J.K. Rowling. After the presentation the students from Kanto Kokusai were joined by Texas A & M University (TAMU) for an intercultural exchange follow by a presentation from one group of TAMU students.

Jason Somerville(ジェイソン・サマービル)特任講師