受験生サイト サークル紹介 学生支援ポータル 学納金サイト  [在学生・保護者専用]

プレゼン・スキル ワークショップをライティングセンターで開催

平成29年10月から11月にかけての火曜日と水曜日に計5回で、杏林大学生向けプレゼン・スキル ワークショップがライティングセンターで開催され、7名の学生が参加しました。ジェイソン・サマービル特任講師からの報告です。

The third KWC workshop (Presentation Skills) of the academic year was held over five lessons on Tuesdays and Wednesdays on the fourth period. Seven students attended and contributed to a success workshop, which included Planning a Presentation プレゼンの計画, Drafting a Presentation プレゼンの作成, and Delivering a Presentation プレゼンの発表. The students completed example exercises on defining the purpose, identifying the audience, brainstorming, introduction, body, conclusion, and answering questions. Key expressions and presentation language was introduced and practiced which enabled the presenters to have the confidence to sound professional and deliver a first-class presentation. Advice was also given on delivery skills such as posture, eye contact, fluency, pronunciation, intonation, and gesturing. On the last day of the workshop students delivered their presentation with great conviction. This was a worthwhile experience for students who have to present as part of their courses here at Kyorin and also for students who plan to present in their future careers.
