受験生サイト サークル紹介 学生支援ポータル 学納金サイト  [在学生・保護者専用]


高校生たちはとても楽しみながら積極的に能動学習に取組みました。 副校長先生からは、他の教員に指導の仕方を教えてもらいたいとのご意見もいただきました。 下記はジェイソン・サマービル特任講師からの報告です。

On Tuesday, 12/19 and Wednesday, 12/20 I taught two workshops on ‘Theme Parks’ and ‘Jobs and Careers’. At the beginning of the lesson the students used the QR Scanner questions as a warmer. Several apps were used during the lesson consisting of tasks for ranking (Poll Everywhere), video (YouTube), quiz(Kahoot!), conversation (LINE and voice recorder). The students participated well and found the lesson to be very interactive with a high level of speaking.

It was a new experience for the students to use their mobile devices in the classroom as they are not allowed to use their smartphones in their regular lessons. The students worked hard to maximize speaking chances and improve their English skill. A survey (Poll Everywhere) was given to close the workshop and showed that LINE and Kahoot! were the top two apps for both days. There were 27 students on the first day and 19 on the second day. Several teachers were also in attendance. The Vice Principal (Kurosawa Sensei) is keen for me to teach the Kanto Kokusai teachers how to successfully incorporate mobile devices into the classroom.
