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平成31年10月31日に順天高校のGlobal Weekで、Jason Somerville特任講師がワークショップ
「Student interaction in English using smartphone apps」を実施し、26人の高校生と数人の教員が参加しました。 内容は下記のとおりです。

It was my pleasure to attend the Global Week at Junten Junior and Senior High School on Wednesday, October 31st. I presented a workshop about how smartphones could be incorporated into the English classroom. 26 students and several teaqchers attended. The title of my workshop was 「Student interaction in English using smartphone apps」 and the chosen topic was Music.

A pre-task was given using a QR Scan code which contained questions for the students. At the beginning of the lesson the students used the same questions as a warmer. Several apps were used during the lesson consisting of tasks for ranking (Poll Everywhere), video (YouTube), quiz (Socrative), conversation (LINE and voice recorder) discussion (Music Player). The students participated well and found the lesson to be very interactive with a high level of speaking. It was a new cutting-edge experience for the students to use their mobile devices in the classroom and although it was a novelty, the students worked hard to maximize speaking chances and improve their English skill.

It was great to see so many students, but also many teachers attend. I have received extremely positive and encouraging feedback about the smartphone workshop from the Junten teachers. They appreciated the chance to learn how to incorporate mobile devices into the classroom and found the workshop a valuable experience.

特任講師 Jason Somerville、KWC Director