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 平成30年11月9日に聖徳学園高校のグローバルデイで、スノードン国際交流センター長が「本物の英語を知ろう」と題してレクチャーを行いました。33人の高校生と4人の教員が参加しました。 企画段階から高校生がスノードン先生と打ち合わせを行い、高大接続が一層深まるイベントとなりました。

--- Shotoku Global Day ---

Shotoku Held School held its Global Day on Friday, 9 November.
It began with a full assembly, with 15 invited speakers each giving a short self-introduction. Speakers came from various universities, NPOs and other institutions; Kyorin University was represented by P. Snowden of the International Exchange Center. Then followed separate sessions with students who had already selected which special two-hour lesson they would attend.

In the weeks leading up to the event, each speaker held discussions with a student representative, so that the contents and conduct of the two-hour session would meet the needs of the students. In this case, Snowden offered half a dozen possible topics, from which the representative (who had considerable global experience, having previously attended an English-medium international school in Hungary) chose two: problems in English pronunciation, and mistaken English signs in Japan. The two topics were combined and presented using printed materials and photographs, under the title “Don’t Speak Japlish!” and the sub-title “本物の英語を知ろう!”.

Attendance was a total of 33, with slightly more boys that girls;no teachers attended the whole session, but three or four stayed for a few minutes each. Students practised the distinctions between some challenging sounds such as “r” and “l”, and came to appreciate how public signs ought to follow grammatical rules, such as the distinction between singular and plural. Two hours felt somewhat long, but occasional changes of approach and a short break led to a successful conclusion. Guest speakers, school staff and the student representatives held a friendly lunch together.

国際交流センター長 ポール・スノードン