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神奈川総合高校のWorld Cafeで保健学部のEric Trautman非常勤講師が講演

平成30年12月9日に神奈川総合高校で行われたWorld Caféに、保健学部のEric Truatman非常勤講師が、キーノートスピーカーとして参加しました。神奈川総合高校の高校生57名、近隣の他の高校15校の高校生85名の計142名の高校生と教員19名が、教育、AI、幸福、LGBTQについて活発な議論をすべて英語で行いました。

On December the 9th, 2018, Kanagwa Sogo High School hosted their World Café event. Students from fifteen surrounding high schools gathered to take part in the event. It began early in the morning, but all the students were full of energy, ready to get started. In a brief introduction, the four main topics covered. The topics were Education, Artificial Intelligence, Happiness, and the LGBTQ Community. The host students spent months preparing for the event, making it successful from beginning to end.

After the introduction, all the students were assembled into small groups of four to allow for lively conversations where personal opinions could be shared warmly with one another. The signature phrase “What if…?” was at the heart of the talks. This question allowed easy entry into some challenging related topics. The students were organized so that they would they would always be seated with students from another school. Teachers and the host students from Kanagawa Sogo walked around the groups helping and sometimes joining in the discussions. These group members were regularly rotated, letting the students meet more and more people, beginning fresh new topics each time.

After lunch as the debates concluded, everyone got together into a large group for a short wrap up session. Students were encouraged to stand and speak about their experience during the day. It was a wonderful experience for everyone involved. It was also a great opportunity for the students to get together, share ideas and opinions, and of course to make new friends!

非常勤講師 Eric Trautman