【トピックス】 外国語学部生の海外研修レポート
なお、スペースの都合で今回研修に参加した学生達の声を全て掲載することは出来ませんでしたが、他の参加学生の声は2009年4月に国際交流センターが刊行する『Study Abroad –杏林大学海外留学案内』に掲載される予定です。また、4月から海外研修の説明会が随時開催される予定ですので少しでも海外留学・研修に興味のある学生の参加を期待します。
ニュージーランド・クライストチャーチ工科大学留学(2008年9月から12月) |
About volunteer work 応用コミュニケーション学科 Yuka Yoshida
I did volunteer work about 9 weeks at Hagley Community College Pre-school
assisting teachers looking after two to five-year-old children. My work was playing with children, helping children's activities, assisting with food, sitting and talking withthe children during morning/afternoon tea time and lunch time and cleaning up outside and inside.
The children were always high-spirited and talkative. However, sometimes, they fought each other and cried for some reasons, for example, they fell down and hurt themselves, scrambled for the swing and so on. At first, I didn't know what I should do then. However, I learnt from looking at what the teachers were doing. The teachers didn't tell me what to do, so I had to think about it by myself. At the beginning, it was hard to me but it became easy and fun when I got accustomed to the work.
I think my English speaking and listening ability have greatly improved since I stated volunteer work because I had to talk with children and teachers. Actually, the way children speak is like a different language, so sometimes I couldn't understand what they wanted to say but the way they behave was really simple, so I could sense what they wanted to do. I think that skill has also improved.
I noticed the difference between pre-school in New Zealand and Japan. In New Zealand, children can usually choose own activities freely. In the Japanese case, sometime they can choose their own activities freely but at other time the teacher decides everyone does the same thing together, for example, sing a song together, make something together and so on. I think in New Zealand, they think freedom is more important. However, in Japan, they think cooperation with other children is more important. It's a cultural difference. I think it's really interesting.
I had a great experience in volunteering at pre-school. It is the first time I took part in volunteer work abroad. At the first day, I did get nervous because I had to communicate in English and look after children all the time. It was really hard work for me. However, all the teachers were really nice and kind and the children were so cute and friendly, so I could enjoy it. I had a great time with the children there.