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  • 外国人観光客へ3市の魅力を伝える調査活動を実施 Discover “Hachioji, Hamura, and Mitaka”(英訳付)

外国人観光客へ3市の魅力を伝える調査活動を実施 Discover “Hachioji, Hamura, and Mitaka”(英訳付)


 2020年に東京オリンピックが決まり、地域でも外国人観光客を見かける機会が多くなることと思います。そして私たちは、彼らに対して東京の良さを紹介したり、実際に東京の名所を説明しながら案内する機会も多くなると思います。外国人観光客の人たちが満足していただけるような街づくりのために、私たちゼミナール(外国語学部坂本ゼミ)は「Discover “Hachioji, Hamura, and Mitaka”」の活動をしています。「外国の方々にもっと日本を知ってもらえるためにはどんなことをしていけばいいのか」という考えをもとに三鷹市の三鷹の森ジブリ美術館と井の頭自然文化園、羽村市の羽村市動物公園、そして高尾山と高尾山トリックアート美術館へグループごとに実際に足を運び調査を行いました。

 The Olympics will take place in Tokyo in 2020. I think that we will have many opportunities to see people who come from different countries. I also imagine that we will have many chances to introduce them to the good points of Tokyo and guide to famous places in the Tokyo area. For this reason, our seminar is taking part in “Discover Hachioji, Hamura, and Mitaka” in order to make a city which makes tourists of different countries satisfied. We went to the Ghibli Museum and Inokashira Park in Mitaka, to Hamura Zoo in Hamura, and to Mt. Takao and Takao Trick Art Museum in Takao with the idea of answering the question: “What can we do to help many tourists learn more about Japan”. In the following paragraphs, we will discuss what we found at the places we visited.



 First of all, we went to Ghibli Museum and Inokashira Park in Mitaka. Ghibli was a building where many children and adults could enjoy themselves because all exterior and interior designs of this building were Ghibli specifications; however, there are few signs there, and Ghibli Museum staff did not distribute any guidebook or brochure to visitors because this building is not very large. When we visited there with exchange students who came from Miami University, they were very confused because there were no displays in English. On the other hand, there was a zoo, a shrine, and an amusement park in Inokashira Park, and we could really enjoy it. However, there were many brochures and maps written only in Japanese, which is not convenient for people who cannot read Japanese well. We are making a guidebook for them now, which we will eventually submit to a city office in Mitaka.



 Secondly, we walked around Hamura. We visited a city office in Hamura in order to look at brochures. We found brochures written in English, Chinese, and Spanish; however, they were only for people who live in Hamura. Moreover, by participating in a “stamp rally” planned by the city of Hamura, we could recognize that there are many good places to bring visitors from overseas in Hamura. For example, there are traditional sweet shops, everyday foods, and cherry blossoms along the Tama River. Additionally, Hamura has its own zoo. We went there with exchange students who came from Texas last summer. When a caretaker at the zoo explained about the animals, we translated what he said to English. In particular, there is “Kabutomushi Hureai Corner”. It is a place where we can touch and see beetles. The exchange students were very satisfied with it. They told us that it was their first time to touch beetles.



 Finally, we climbed “Mt. Takao” and went to the Takao Trick Art Museum. We encountered climbers from many different countries on Mt. Takao, and most of them stopped at a shrine on the way to the summit. After we reached the summit, we interviewed some visitors from abroad. They all told us that they were impressed with the nature of Mt. Takao and our nice manners; however, they also told us that there were no signs in English, and they said Mt. Takao was extremely crowded. Then, we went to the Takao Trick Art Museum. Unfortunately, there were fewer people in the Takao Trick Art Museum than Mt. Takao. Although there were few visitors, they had many signs in English and Japanese in these buildings. The Takao Trick Art Museum staff thought about not only the Japanese but also about people coming from overseas; however, we thought that they needed to increase bulletin boards inside the train which runs between Takao and Takaosan-guchi Stations or on the road that goes from Takao Station to Mt. Takao.




 In conclusion, we conducted the presentation which translated Japanese into English on January in 2015.
 There were actually many places that displayed information in both Japanese and English to help people who came from abroad during their visits. However, as a result of researching those places, we believe there is room for improvement. For instance, there could be more guidebooks and brochures in English, Japanese webpages could include some English, and English could be added to bulletin boards that are now only written in Japanese. We are going to hand in our suggestions for improvement to these three cities, so we will visit more places and keep making suggestions for improvement.



外国語学部 英語学科 3年
海上 崇

6 March 2015
Faculty of Foreign Studies English Department
Shu Unagami