A friend of mine reminded his students recently on facebook that education is a privilege, an opportunity to invest in developing skills. Unfortunately, many students in Japan take their education for granted. Many more are turned off completely: they sleep, chat on line, mix up priorities, etc. Although I am not about to exonerate them for their apathy, I am somewhat sympathetic to their situation. Why?
This summer, I was able to continue some research and academic work that I had started before joining Kyorin University, by going to Uganda (with 10 students from Hokkaido, but more on that in another blog).
On weekdays, we went into the Kyebando District of Kampala (a slum area) where we participated in the school life of primary school students at Edinance School. These children, like many Japanese students, must pass exams. If they don’t pass, they cannot matriculate from primary school, and therefore cannot move on to higher levels of education. However, what, in my opinion is as important as passing the exams, is learning for life. Simply, if the children do not learn the material they increase their risk of premature death. Remember that it is possible to pass an exam without learning very much. Learning and study are different. Study is necessary, but it is not sufficient. Both are necessary in the modern world.
A colleague and I have been considering ways to incorporate “stories” into the school teaching-study-learning process, particularly in science (includes health) education. We believed that traditional forms of education (such as learning through stories for life) blended with the post-industrial/technological approach might provide opportunities to improve both learning and test results. This trip to Uganda provided us an opportunity to develop concrete relationships with a primary school in Kampala. It also enabled me (and the Japanese students) opportunities to experience first-hand school life over an extended period (as opposed to a one-day visit), and opportunities to evaluate the “digital animations” (stories) the Japanese students had created based on the Ugandan Primary School Curriculum.
First a question from the science curriculum: Name the 4 Fs and why are they important. Scroll down.
For us in Japan, the answer to the 4Fs is allusive. Fingers, Food, Faeces, Flies! For the children in Uganda understanding of the 4Fs is critical –both for matriculation and for life itself. I use the 4Fs by way of example only, as I could also have asked you to identify the different characteristics of the different insects that carry malaria or sleeping disease or Yellow Fever. Maybe primary school students in Japan should be asked to demonstrate their understanding of O-157 or other infectious diseases as they “kill” children each year. Study needs to be converted to learning - and not for exams alone.
日本にいる私達にとって、4つのFの回答はわかりにくいでしょう:Fingers(指)、Food (食べ物)、Faeces(大便)、Flies(ハエ)です。ウガンダの子ども達にとって、これら4つのFを理解することは、大学に入学するためにも生活そのものにとっても重要です。私は4Fを例をとして使いました。マラリア、眠り病、黄熱病を媒介する昆虫の特徴を述べてもらうという問題を出すこともできました。日本の小学生に、毎年子ども達が犠牲になっているO-157やその他の感染症をどのように理解しているか示してもらっても良いかもしれません。試験のためだけではなく、勉強を学びに変換する必要があります。
Results? These efforts are long-term. Nothing happens overnight. That is the problem, as many funding agencies want tangible results quickly. This work needs continual ongoing involvement. We have a school, we have access, but we need support. We did make a difference by being there and working alongside the teachers and the children. We need doctors, nurses, teachers, students, willing hands or any support possible. Check out the pregnant goat for ¥3000!