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Faculty of Foreign Studies教員紹介

項目名 内容
教員名 Jackie Talken
教員名フリガナ ジャッキー・トルケン
職位 講師
研究テーマ・分野 Extensive reading, Usage-based methodologies, Technology in the classroom
担当科目(学部) 英語 I-IV, 英語特別演習, Seminar
略歴 M.S.Ed. TESOL、Temple University、Japan
Before joining Kyorin University、I taught at Joshibi High School of Art and Design.
所有する学位 M.S.Ed. TESOL、Temple University、Japan
Talken, J. (2021). Sayonara to the Monolingual EFL Classroom、 Accents Asia、 14(1)、 1-10. Available from: http://www.issues.accentsasia.org/issues/14-1/Talken.pdf

Talken、J. (2019). Action Research with Junior High School Students: Creating a Supportive、Collaborative Learning Environment. Learning Learning. Available from: http://ld-sig.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/talken.pdf

Talken, J. (2019). The iPad at 10: Literature on Its Use in the Classroom. Outside the Box: A Multi-Lingual Forum. Available from: http://otbforum.net/otb_forum_9-1/otb_forum_9-1.pdf
所属学会 Japan Association for Language Teaching, Extensive Reading Foundation
学外活動 JALT (Japan Association for Language Teaching) Extensive Reading Special Interest Group Publicity Chair, Extensive Reading Foundation Publicity Chair, Copyeditor for The Language Teacher, LGBTQIAP Social Group organizer