受験生サイト サークル紹介 学生支援ポータル 学納金サイト  [在学生・保護者専用]

Graduate School of Health Sciences教員詳細

項 目 内 容
教員名 堀口 幸太郎
フリガナ ホリグチコウタロウ
NAME Horiguchi Kotaro
職 位 准教授
研究テーマ・分野 下垂体前葉内に存在する組織幹細胞によるホルモン産生細胞供給機構の解明
担当科目(学部) 解剖学 生命科学概論 解剖学実習
略 歴 1996年 千葉県立東葛飾高校卒業
2002年 明治大学農学部農学科卒業
2004年 明治大学大学院農学研究科農学専攻博士前期課程修了
2007年 明治大学大学院農学研究科生命科学専攻博士後期課程修了
2007年 自治医科大学医学部解剖学講座組織学部門 ポストドクター
2008年 同部門 助教
2013年 杏林大学保健学部臨床検査技術学科 講師
2021年 杏林大学保健学部健康福祉学科 准教授
所有する学位等 博士(農学)(明治大学)
主要研究業績 原著論文のみ *corresponding author
66) Shindo A, Azuma M, Fujiwara K, Yoshida S, Horiguchi K*: CD9/SOX2-positive cells in the intermediate lobe of the rat pituitary gland exhibit mesenchymal stem cell characteristics. Cell Tissue Res. 2024 in press.

65) Horiguchi K*, Tsukada T, Yoshida S, Fujiwara K, Nakakura T, Azuma M, Shindo A, Hasegawa R, Takigami S: Three-dimensional cell culture using CD9-positive cells isolated from marginal cell layer of intermediate lobe of rats sustains in vivo-like primary niche environment. J Reprod Dev. 70(5):343-347, 2024.

64) Nakakura T, Horiguchi K, Suzuki T: Collagen XIII is the key molecule of neurovascular junctions in the neuroendocrine system. Neuroendocrinology. 114(7):658-669, 2024.

63) Wei y, Cheng S, Tsukada T, Horiguchi K, Fujiwara Y, Fujiwara K: Expression of retinaldehyde dehydrogenases in the pituitary glands of fetus and adult mice. Acta Histochem Cytochem. 57(3): 109-118, 2024.

62) Horiguchi K*, Fujiwara K, Tsukada T, Nakakura T, Yoshida S, Hasegawa R, Takigami S: Fluctuation of CD9/SOX2-positive cell population during turnover of GH- and TSH-producing cells in adult anterior pituitary gland. J Reprod Dev. 69(6): 308-316, 2023.論文の図が雑誌の表紙に採用されました。

61) Horiguchi K*, Shibata M, Takizawa A, Hamanaka S, Moromitsu N, Hasegawa R, Takigami S: Isolation of melanotropes from intermediate lobe of rat pituitary gland. J Kyorin Med Soc. 54(1):3-10, 2023.

60) Horiguchi K*, Fujiwara K, Tsukada T, Nakakura T, Yoshida S, Hasegawa R, Takigami S: Differentiation of stem progenitor CD9/SOX2-positive cells is promoted when increased prolactin-producing and endothelial cells in the pituitary. J Reprod Dev. 68(4):278-286, 2022.

59) Horiguchi K*, Fujiwara K, Tsukada T, Nakakura T, Yoshida S, Hasegawa R, Takigami S: The multiciliated cells in Rathke's cleft express CYP26A1 and respond to retinoic acid in the pituitary. Cell Tissue Res. 388(3):583-594,2022.

58) Horiguchi K*, Fujiwara K, Tsukada T, Nakakura T, Yoshida S, Hasegawa R, Takigami S, Ohsako S: CD9-positive cells in the intermediate lobe migrate into the anterior lobe to supply endocrine cells. Histochem Cell Biol. 156(4): 310-313, 2021.

57) Horiguchi K*, Fujiwara K, Takeda Y, Nakakura T, Tsukada T, Yoshida S, Hasegawa R, Takigami S, Ohsako S: CD9-positive cells in the intermediate lobe of the pituitary gland are important supplier for prolactin-producing cells in the anterior lobe. Cell Tissue Res. 385(3): 713-726, 2021.

56) Arae K, Ikutani M, Horiguchi K, Yamaguchi S, Okada Y, Sugiyama H, Orimo K, Morita H, Suto H, Okumura K, Taguchi H, Matsumoto K, Saito H, Sudo K, Nakae S: Interleukin-33 and thymic stromal lymphopoietin, but not interleukin-25, are crucial for development of airway eosinophilia induced by chitin. Scientific Reports. 11(1):5913.2021.

55) Horiguchi K*, Yoshida S, Tsukada T, Fujiwara K, Nakakura T, Hasegawa R, Takigami S, Ohsako S: Cluster of differentiation (CD) 9-positive mouse pituitary cells are adult stem/progenitor cells. Histochem Cell Biol. 155(3):391-404,2021.

54) Nakakura T, Suzuki T, Horiguchi K, Tanaka H, Arisawa K, Miyashita T, Nekooki-Machida Y, Hagiwara H: Fibronectin-integrin signaling controls the localization of PLVAP at endothelial fenestrae by stabilizing the microtubule cytoskeleton Cell Tissue Res. 384: 449–463, 2021.論文の図が雑誌の表紙に採用されました。

53) Horiguchi K*, Yoshida S, Tsukada T, Fujiwara K, Nakakura T, Hasegawa R, Takigami S, Ohsako S: Expression and functions of cluster of differentiation 9 and 81 in rat mammary epithelial cells. J Reprod Dev. 66: 515–522, 2020. 論文の図が雑誌の表紙に採用されました。

52) Fujiwara K, Yatabe M, Tsukada T, Horiguchi K, Fujiwara Y, Takemoto K, Nio-Kobayashi J, Ohno N, and Inoue K: Aldolase C is a novel molecular marker for folliculo-stellate cells in rodent pituitary. Cell Tissue Res. 381:273-284, 2020.論文の図が雑誌の表紙に採用されました。

51) Horiguchi K*, Fujiwara K, Yoshida S, Tsukada T, Hasegawa R, Takigami S, Ohsako S, Yashiro T, Kato T, Kato Y: CX3CL1/CX3CR1-signaling in the CD9/S100β/SOX2-positive adult pituitary stem/progenitor cells modulates differentiation into endothelial cells. Histochem Cell Biol. 153:385-396, 2020.

50) Horiguchi K*, Yoshida S, Hasegawa R, Takigami S, Ohsako S, Yashiro T, Kato T, Kato Y: Isolation and characterization of cluster of differentiation 9-positive ependymal cells as potential adult neural stem/progenitor cells in the third ventricle of adult rats. Cell Tissue Res. 379:497-509, 2020.

49) Kojima R, Horiguchi K, Mochimaru Y, Musha S, Murakami S, Deai M, Mogi C, Sato K, Okajima F, Tomura H: Characterization of molecular mechanisms of extracellularacidification-induced intracellular Ca2+ increase in LbetaT2 cells. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 517(4): 636-641, 2019.

48) Tsukada T, Isowa Y, Kito K, Yoshida S, Toneri S, Horiguchi K, Fujiwara K, Yashiro T, Kato T, Kato Y: Identification of TGFβ-induced proteins in non-endocrine mouse pituitary cell line TtT/GF by SILAC-assisted quantitative mass spectrometry. Cell Tissue Res. 376 (2): 281-293. 2019.論文の図が雑誌の表紙に採用されました。

47) Ueharu H, Yoshida S, Kanno N, Horiguchi K, Nishimura N, Kato T, Kato Y: SOX10-positive cells emerge in the rat pituitary gland during late embryogenesis and start to express S100β. Cell Tissue Res. 372(1):77-90. 2018.

46) Horiguchi K*, Fujiwara K, Yoshida S, Nakakura T, Arae K, Tsukada T, Hasegawa R, Takigami S, Ohsako S, Yashiro T, Kato T, Kato Y: Isolation and characterisation of CD9-positive pituitary adult stem/progenitor cells in rats. Sci Rep. 8:5533, 2018.

45) Yoshida S, Nishimura N, Yurino H, Kobayashi M, Horiguchi K, Yano K, Hashimoto S, Kato T, Kato Y: Differentiation capacities of PS-clusters, adult pituitary stem/progenitor cell clusters located in the parenchymal-niche, of the rat anterior lobe. PLoS ONE. 13(4):e0196029. 2017.

44) Tsukada T, Yoshida S, Fujiwara K, Yako H, Horiguchi K, Isowa Y, Yashiro T, Kato T, Kato Y: The non-endocrine mouse pituitary cell line TtT/GF can possess pericyte properties in the presence of TGFβ. Cell Tissue Res. 371(2):339-350, 2017.

43) Yoshida S, Kato T, Kanno N, Nishimura N, Nishihara H, Horiguchi K, Kato Y: Cell type-specific localization of Ephs pairing with ephrin-B2 in the rat postnatal pituitary gland. Cell Tissue Res. 370:99-112, 2017.論文の図が雑誌の表紙に採用されました。

42) Nakakura T, Suzuki T, Horiguchi K, Fujiwara K, Tsukada T, Asano-Hoshino A, Tanaka H, Arisawa K, Nishijima Y, Nekooki-Machida Y, Kiuchi Y, Hagiwara H: Expression and localization of forkhead 1 box protein FOXJ1 in S100β-positive multiciliated cells of the rat pituitary. Medical molecul Morphol. 50:59-67. 2017.

41) Horiguchi K*, Nakakura T, Yoshida S, Tsukada T, Kanno N Hasegawa R, Takigami S, Ohsako S, Kato T, Kato Y: Identification of THY1 as a novel thyrotrope marker and THY1 antibody-mediated thyrotrope isolation in the rat anterior pituitary gland. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 480:273-279, 2016.

40) Syaidah R, Tsukada T, Azuma M, Horiguchi K, Fujiwara K, Kikuchi M, Yashiro T: TGFβ2 promotes expression of small leucine-rich proteoglycan fibromodulin in rat anterior pituitary gland. Acta. Histochem. Cytochem. 49(6):171-179,2016.

39) Horiguchi K¶, Yako H¶, Yoshida S, Fujiwara K, Tsukada T, Kanno N, Ueharu H, Nishihara H, Kato T, Yashiro T, Kato Y: S100beta-positive cells of mesenchymal origin reside in the anterior lobe of the embryonic pituitary gland. PLoS One, e0163981, 2016. ¶These authors contributed equally to this work.

38) Yoshida S, Nishimura N, Ueharu H, Nishihara H, Kanno N, Higuchi M, Horiguchi K, Kato T, Kato Y: Isolation of adult pituitary stem/progenitor cell clusters located in the parenchyma of the rat anterior lobe. Stem Cell Res, 17: 318-329, 2016.論文の図が雑誌の表紙に採用されました。

37) Tsukada T, Azuma M, Horiguchi K, Fujiwara K, Kouki T, Kikuchi M, Yashiro T: Folliculostellate cell interacts with pericyte via TGFbeta2 in rat anterior pituitary. J. Endoclinol. 229: 159-170, 2016.

36) Horiguchi K*, Fujiwara K, Tsukada T, Yoshida S, Higuchi M, Tateno K, Hasegawa R, Takigami S, Ohsako S, Yashiro T, Kato T, Kato Y: CXCL10/CXCR3 signaling mediates inhibitory action by Interferon-Gamma on CRF-stimulated adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) release. Cell Tissue Res. 364:395-404, 2016.

35) Nishimura N, Ueharu H, Nishihara H, Shibuya S, Yoshida S, Higuchi M, Kanno N, Horiguchi K, Kato T, Kato Y: Search for Regulatory Factors of Pituitary-specific Transcription Factor PROP1 Gene. J. Reprod. Dev. 62:93-102, 2016.

34) Horiguchi K*, Fujiwara K, Tsukada T, Yako H, Tateno K, Hasegawa R, Takigami S, Ohsako S, Yashiro T, Kato T, Kato Y: Expression of Slug in S100β protein-positive cells of the postnatal developing rat anterior pituitary gland. Cell Tissue Res. 363:513-524, 2016.

33) Azuma M, Tofrizal A, Maliza R, Batchuluun K, Ramadhani D, Tsukada T, Fujiwara K, Kikuchi M, Horiguchi K, Yashiro T: Maintenance of the extracellular matrix in rat anterior pituitary gland: Identification of cells expressing tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases. Acta Histochem. Cytochem. 48:185-192, 2015.

32) Fujiwara K, Horiguchi K, Maliza R, Tofrizal A, Batchuluun K, Ramadhani D, Syaidah R, Tsukada T, Azuma M, Kikuchi M, Yashiro T: Expression of the heparin-binding growth factor midkine and its receptor, Ptprz1, in adult rat pituitary. Cell Tissue Res. 359:909-914, 2015.

31) Tsukada T, Fujiwara K, Horiguchi K, Azuma M, Ramadhani D, Tofrizal A, Batchuluun K, Maliza R, Syaidah R, Kikuchi M, Yashiro T: Folliculostellate cells are required for laminin release from gonadotrophs in rat anterior pituitary. Acta. Histochem. Cytochem. 47:239-245, 2014.

30) Horiguchi K*, Higuchi M, Yoshida S, Hasegawa R, Takigami S, Ohsako S, Kato T, Kato Y: Proton receptor GPR68 expression in dendritic cell-like S100β-positive cells of rat anterior pituitary gland: GPR68 induces interleukin-6 gene expression in extracellular acidification. Cell Tissue Res. 358:515-525, 2014.

29) Yoshida S, Ueharu H, Higuchi M, Horiguchi K, Nishimura N, Shibuya S, Mitsuishi H, Kato T, Kato Y: Molecular Cloning of Rat and Porcine Retina-Derived POU Domain Factor 1 (POU6F2) from Pituitary cDNA Library J. Reprod. Dev. 60:288-294, 2014.

28) Horiguchi K, Fujiwara K, Higuchi M, Yoshida S, Tsukada T, Ueharu H, Hasegawa R, Takigami S, Ohsako S, Yashiro T, Kato T, Kato Y: Expression of chemokine CXCL10 in dendritic cell-like S100β-positive cells in rat anterior pituitary gland. Cell Tissue Res. 357:757-765, 2014.

27) Fujiwara K, Maliza R, Tofrizal A, Batchuluun K, Ramadhani D, Tsukada T, Horiguchi K, Kikuchi M, Yashiro T: In situ hybridization analysis of the temporospatial 1 expression of the midkine/pleiotrophin family in rat embryonic pituitary gland. Cell Tissue Res. 357:337-344, 2014.

26) Horiguchi K, Fujiwara K, Yoshida S, Higuchi M, Tsukada T, Kanno N, Yashiro T, Tateno K, Ohsako S, Kato T, Kato Y: Isolation of dendritic cell-like S100β-positive cells in rat anterior pituitary gland. Cell Tissue Res. 357:301-308, 2014.

25) Tsukada T, Kouki T, Fujiwara K, Dini Ramadhani, Horiguchi K, Kikuchi M, Yashiro T: Reassembly of anterior pituitary organization by hanging drop three-dimensional cell culture. Acta. Histochem. Cytochem. 46:121-127, 2013. 日本組織細胞化学会論文賞受賞

24) Syaidah R, Horiguchi K, Fujiwara K, Tsukada T, Kikuchi M, Yashiro T: Laminin and collagen modulate expression of the small leucine-rich proteoglycan fibromodulin in rat anterior pituitary gland. Cell Tissue Res. 354:633-638, 2013.

23) Jindatip D, Fujiwara K, Horiguchi K, Tsukada T, Kouki T, Yashiro T: Changes in fine structure of pericytes and novel desmin-immunopositive perivascular cells during postnatal development in rat anterior pituitary gland. Anat Sci. Int. 88:196-203, 2013.

22) Horiguchi K*, Syaidah R, Fujiwara K, Tsukada T, Ramadhani D, Jindatip D, Kikuchi M, Yashiro T: Expression of the cell-surface heparan sulfate proteoglycan syndecan-2 in developing rat anterior pituitary gland. Cell Tissue Res. 353: 473-481, 2013.

21) Horiguchi K*, Syaidah R, Fujiwara K, Tsukada T, Ramadhani D, Jindatip D, Kikuchi M, Yashiro T: Expression of small leucine-rich proteoglycans in rat anterior pituitary gland. Cell Tissue Res. 351: 207-212, 2013.

20) Ramadhani D, Tsukada T, Fujiwara K, Horiguchi K, Kikuchi M, Yashiro T: Laminin isoforms and laminin-producing cells in rat 1 anterior pituitary. Acta Histo Chem. 45: 309-315, 2012.

19) Horiguchi K*, Kouki T, Fujiwara K, Tsukada T, Floren Ly, Kikuchi M, Yashiro T: Expression of the proteoglycan syndecan-4 and the mechanism by which it mediates stress fiber formation in folliculostellate cells in rat anterior pituitary gland. J. Endocrinol. 214: 199-206, 2012.

18) Horiguchi K*, Ilmiawati C, Fujiwara K, Tsukada T, Kikuchi M, Yashiro T: Expression of chemokine CXCL12 and its receptor CXCR4 in folliculostellate (FS) cells of the rat anterior pituitary gland: the CXCL12/CXCR4 axis induces interconnection of FS cells. Endocrinology. 153: 1717-1724, 2012.

17) Ilmiawati C, Horiguchi K, Fujiwara K, Yashiro T: Matrix metalloproteinase-9 expression in folliculostellate cells of rat anterior pituitary gland. J. Endocrinol. 212: 363-370, 2012.

16) Horiguchi K*, Fujiwara K, Ilmiawati C, Kikuchi M, Tsukada T and Yashiro T: Caveolin 3-mediated integrin β1 signaling is required for the proliferation of folliculo-stellate cells in rat anterior pituitary gland under the influence of extracellular matrix. J. Endocrinol. 211: 29-36, 2011.

15) Horiguchi K, Kouki T, Fujiwara K, Kikuchi M and Yashiro T; The extracellular matrix component laminin promotes gap junction formation in the rat anterior pituitary gland. J. Endocrinol. 208: 225-232, 2011.

14) Ishida M, Yoshida M, Fukuta S, Uemura K, Iijima M, Horiguchi K and Harigaya T: Analysis of Prolactin Gene Expression and Cleaved Prolactin Variants in the Mouse Testis and Spermatozoa. J. Reprod. Dev. 56: 567-574, 2010.

13) Kusumoto K, Kikuchi M, Fujiwara K, Horiguchi K, Kouki T, Kawanishi K and Yashiro T: Effect of E-cadherin Expression on Hormone Production in Rat Anterior Pituitary Lactotrophs In Vitro. Acta. Histochem. Cytochem. 43: 83-88, 2010.

12) Horiguchi K*, Kikuchi M, Kusumoto K, Fujiwara K, Kouki T, Kawanishi K and Yashiro T: Living-cell imaging of transgenic (S100b-GFP) rat anterior pituitary cells in primary culture reveals novel characteristics of folliculo-stellate cells. J. Endocrinol. 204: 115-123, 2010.

11) Kikuchi M, Yatabe M, Fujiwara K, Horiguchi K, Kusumoto K, Kouki T, Sakamoto A and Yashiro T: Spatio-temporal relation between cadherin switching and cytogenesis of hormone-producing cells in the developing rat adenohypophysis. Anat. Sci. Int. 84: 155-160, 2009.

10) Fujiwara K, Kikuchi M, Horiguchi K, Kusumoto K, Kouki T, Kawanishi K and Yashiro T: Estrogen Receptor Alpha Regulates Retinaldehyde Dehydrogenase 1 Expression in Rat Anterior Pituitary Cells. Endocr J. 56: 963-973, 2009.

9) Fujiwara K, Davaadash B, Yatabe M, Kikuchi M, Horiguchi K, Kusumoto K, Kouki T., Yashiro T: Reduction of retinaldehyde dehydrogenase 1 expression and production in estrogen-induced prolactinoma of rat. Medical molecul. Morphol. 41: 126-131, 2008.

8) Horiguchi K, Fujiwara K, Kouki T, Kikuchi M and Yashiro T: Immunohistochemical observation of connexin 43 throughout anterior pituitary gland using a transgenic rat with green fluorescent protein-expressing folliculo-stellate cells. Anat. Sci. Int. 83: 256-260, 2008.

7) Horiguchi K, Fukuta S, Yoshida M, Kosugi T, Naito J, Ishida M and Harigaya T: Estrogen regulates the serum level of phosphorylated prolactin in mice. J. Reprod. Dev. 53: 915-922, 2007.

6) Horiguchi K, Naito J, Ishida M and Harigaya T: The effect of estrogen on phosphorylation of prolactin in the mouse Pituitary gland. J. Reprod. Dev. 53: 515-523, 2007.

5) Ishida M, Ohashi S, Kizaki Y, Naito J, Horiguchi K and Harigaya T: Expression profiling of mouse placental lactogen II and its correlative expression genes using a cDNA microarray analysis in the developmental mouse placenta. J. Reprod. Dev. 53: 69-76, 2007.

4) Horiguchi K, Naito J, Fujisawa T, Ohashi S, Ishida M and Harigaya T: Identification of prolactin synthesis at early differentiation stage of T cells in the thymus. Acta. Histochem. Cytochem. 38: 283-287, 2005.

3) Horiguchi K, Yagi S, Ono K, Nishiura Y, Tanaka M, Ishida M and Harigaya T: Prolactin gene expression in mouse spleen helper T cells. J. Endocrinol. 183: 639-646, 2004.

2) Ishida M, OnoK, Taguchi S, Ohashi S, Naito J, Horiguchi K and Harigaya T: Cathepsin gene expression in mouse Placenta during the latter half of pregnancy. J. Reprod. Dev. 50: 515-523, 2004.

1) Koizumi M, Horiguchi K, Tomita Y, Kato Y and Harigaya T: Prolactin gene expression in the mouse nipple. J. Reprod. Dev. 49: 465-472, 2003. JRD最優秀論文賞受賞
所属学会 日本解剖学会、日本内分泌学会(2017- 評議員)、日本繁殖生物学会(2015-編集委員、2019-副編集長)、日本神経内分泌学会(2018-評議員)、日本組織細胞化学会、日本比較内分泌学会、日本下垂体研究会(2013-評議員, 2016-2020幹事, 2022-2026幹事)
居室・研究室 F棟509(内線6559),B棟426
メールアドレス kota@ks.kyorin-u.ac.jp(アドレスをコピペしても送れません)
オフィスアワー 月〜金 12:00〜13:00
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