項 目 | 内 容 |
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教員名 | 島田 厚良 | |
フリガナ | シマダ アツヨシ | |
NAME | Shimada, Atsuyoshi | |
職 位 | 教授 | |
役職・委員(大学) | 研究推進センター 副センター長 研究推進委員会 |
所属研究室 | 病理学 | |
研究テーマ・分野 | 発達期につくられる脳特有の炎症制御機構 | |
担当科目(学部) | 「病理学各論」、「病理検査学実習」、「臨床病態学」、「保健医療英語」など | |
担当科目(大学院) | 「臨床検査・生命科学特別講義1、2」など | |
略 歴 | 1988年 京都大学医学部 医学科 卒業 1992年 京都大学大学院医学研究科 脳統御医科学系博士課程 修了(脳実験病理学) 1992年 日本学術振興会特別研究員(PD) 1993年 米国NIH Visiting Fellow 1995年 米国コロンビア大学病院 レジデント医師(病理学) 1997年 米国コロンビア大学医学校 Research Scientist 1998年 長崎大学 医学部 助手 (病理学) 1998年 愛知県心身障害者コロニー 発達障害研究所 室長(神経病理学) 2012年 愛知県心身障害者コロニー 中央病院 中央検査部 部長 2017年 杏林大学保健学部臨床検査技術学科 教授 |
所有する学位等 | 博士(医学)、京都大学 | |
所有する資格 | 1988年 医師免許 1995年 米国医師免許(ECFMG) 2002年 死体解剖資格 |
主要研究業績 | A.英文原著論文 1. Katsuki H, Ishihara K, Shimada A, Takeda T and Satoh M : Age-related deterioration of long-term potentiation in the CA3 and CA1 regions of hippocampal slices from the senescence-accelerated mouse. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics 11: 77-83, 1990 2. Naiki H, Higuchi K, Matsushima K, Shimada A, Chen WH, Hosokawa M and Takeda T : Fluorometric examination of tissue amyloid fibrils in murine senile amyloidosis: Use of the fluorescent indicator, Thioflavine T. Laboratory Investigation 62: 768-773, 1990 3. Shimada A, Ohta A, Akiguchi I and Takeda T : Inbred SAM-P/10 as a mouse model of spontaneous, inherited brain atrophy. Journal of Neuropathology and Experimental Neurology 51: 440-450, 1992 4. Naiki H, Higuchi K, Shimada A, Takeda T and Nakakuki K : Genetic analysis of murine senile amyloidosis. Laboratory Investigation 68: 332-337, 1993 5. Shimada A, Ohta A, Akiguchi I and Takeda T : Age-related deterioration in conditional avoidance task in the SAM-P/10 mouse, an animal model of spontaneous brain atrophy. Brain Research 608: 266-272, 1993 6. Takemura M, Nakamura S, Akiguchi I, Ueno M, Oka N, Ishikawa S, Shimada A, Kimura J. and Takeda T : Beta/A4 protein like immunoreactive granular structures in the brain of senescence-accelerated mouse. American Journal of Pathology 142: 1887-1897, 1993 7. Saitoh Y, Hosokawa M, Shimada A, Watanabe Y, Yasuda N, Takeda T and Murakami Y : Age-related hearing impairment in senescence-accelerated mouse (SAM). Hearing Research 75: 27-37, 1994 8. Shimada A, Hosokawa M, Ohta A, Akiguchi I and Takeda T: Localization of atrophy-prone areas in the aging mouse brain: Comparison between the brain atrophy model SAM-P/10 and the normal control SAM-R/1. Neuroscience 59: 859-869, 1994 9. Shimada A, Spangler EL, London ED and Ingram DK : Spermidine potentiates dizocilpine- induced impairment of learning performance by rats in a 14-unit T-maze. European Journal of Pharmacology 263: 293-300, 1994 10. Saitoh Y, Hosokawa M, Shimada A, Watanabe Y, Yasuda N, Murakami Y and Takeda T : Age-related cochlear degeneration in senescence-accelerated mouse. Neurobiology of Aging 16: 129-136, 1995 11. Ingram DK, Shimada A, Spangler EL, Ikari H, Hengemihle J, Kuo H and Greig N. Cognitive enhancement: New strategies for stimulating cholinergic, glutamatergic, and nitric oxide systems. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 786: 348-361, 1996 12. Shimada A, Mukhin A, Ingram DK and London ED : N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor binding in brains of rats at different ages. Neurobiology of Aging 18: 329-333, 1997 13. Kawamata T, Akiguchi I, Yagi H, Irino M, Sugiyama H, Akiyama H, Shimada A, Takemura M, Ueno, M, Kitabayashi T, Ohnishi K, Seriu N, Higuchi K, Hosokawa M and Takeda T : Neuropathological studies on strains of senescence-accelerated mice (SAM) with age-related deficits in learning and memory. Experimental Gerontology 32: 161-169, 1997 14. Shimada A, Mason CA and Morrison ME : TrkB signaling modulates spine density and morphology independent of dendrite structure in cultured neonatal Purkinje cells. Journal of Neuroscience 18: 8559-8570, 1998 15. Shimada A, Lange DJ and Hays AP : Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis in an adult following acute paralytic poliomyelitis in early childhood. Acta Neuropathologica 97: 317-321, 1999 16. Shimada A, Keino H, Satoh M, Kishikawa M, Seriu N and Hosokawa M : Age-related progressive neuronal DNA damage associated with cerebral degeneration in a mouse model of accelerated senescence. Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biologic Sciences and Medical Sciences 57: B415-421, 2002 17. Yoneda M, Fujita T, Yamada Y, Yamada K, Fujii A, Inagaki T, Nakagawa H, Shimada A, Kishikawa M, Nagaya M, Azuma T, Kuriyama M and Wakamatsu N : Late infantile Hirschsprung disease-mental retardation syndrome with a 3-bp deletion in ZFHX1B. Neurology 59: 1637-1640, 2002 18. Keino H, Kishikawa M, Satoh M and Shimada A : Expression of presenilin 1 and synapse-related proteins during postnatal development is not different between accelerated senescence-prone and -resistant mice. Neuropathology 23: 16-24, 2003 19. Shimada A, Keino H, Satoh M, Kishikawa M and Hosokawa M : Age-related loss of synapses in the frontal cortex of SAMP10 mouse: A model of cerebral degeneration. Synapse 48: 198-204, 2003. 20. Tokuoka SM, Ishii S, Kawamura N, Satoh M, Shimada A, Sasaki S, Hirotsune S, Wynshaw-Boris A and Shimizu T : Involvement of platelet-activating factor and LIS1 in neuronal migration. European Journal of Neuroscience 18:563-570, 2003. 21. Ito H, Kamei K, Iwamoto I, Inaguma Y, Tsuzuki M, Kishikawa M, Shimada A, Hosokawa M and Kato K : Hsp27 suppresses the formation of inclusion bodies induced by expression of R120G alpha B-crystallin, a cause of desmin-related myopathy. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences 60: 1217-1223, 2003 22. Shimada A, Satoh M, Chiba Y, Saitoh Y, Kawamura N, Keino H, Hosokawa M and Shimizu T : Highly selective localization of leukotriene C4 synthase in hypothalamic and extrahypothalamic vasopressin systems of mouse brain. Neuroscience 131: 683-689, 2005 23. Ishihara N, Shimada A, Kato J, Niimi N, Tanaka S, Miura K, Suzuki T, Wakamatsu N and Nagaya M : Variations in aganglionic segment length of the enteric neural plexus in Mowat-Wilson syndrome. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 40: 1411-1419, 2005 24. Yamashita Y, Chiba Y, Xia C, Hirayoshi K, Satoh M, Saitoh Y, Shimada A, Nakamura E and Hosokawa M : Different adaptive traits to cold exposure in young senescence-accelerated mice. Biogerontology 6: 133-139, 2005 25. Chiba Y, Yamashita Y, Ueno M, Fujisawa H, Hirayoshi K, Hohmura K, Tomimoto H, Akiguchi I, Satoh M, Shimada A and Hosokawa M : Cultured murine dermal fibroblast-like cells from senescence-accelerated mice as in vitro models for higher oxidative stress due to mitochondrial alterations. Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biologic Sciences and Medical Sciences 60: 1087-1098, 2005 26. Satoh M, Shimada A, Kashiwai A, Saga S and Hosokawa M : Differential cooperative enzymatic activities of protein disulfide isomerase family in protein folding. Cell Stress and Chaperones 10: 211-220, 2005 27. Satoh M, Shimada A, Keino H, Kashiwai A, Nagai N, Saga S and Hosokawa M : Functional characterization of 3 thioredoxin homology domains of ERp72. Cell Stress and Chaperones 10: 278-284, 2005 28. Kihara Y, Ishii S, Kita Y, Toda A, Shimada A and Shimizu T. Dual phase regulation of experimental allergic encephalomyelitis by platelet-activating factor. Journal of Experimental Medicine 202: 853-863, 2005 29. Shimada A, Tsuzuki M, Keino H, Satoh M, Chiba Y, Saitoh Y and Hosokawa M : Apical vulnerability to dendritic retraction in prefrontal neurones of ageing SAMP10 mouse: a model of cerebral degeneration. Neuropathology and Applied Neurobiology 32: 1-14, 2006 30. Aono S, Tokita Y, Yasuda Y, Hirano K, Yamauchi S, Shuo T, Matsui F, Keino H, Kashiwai A, Kawamura N, Shimada A, Kishikawa M, Asai M and Oohira A : Expression and identification of a new splice variant of neuroglycan C, a transmembrane chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan, in the human brain. Journal of Neuroscience Research 83: 110-118, 2006 31. Ueno M, Tomita S, Nakagawa T, Ueki M, Iwanaga Y, Ono J, Onodera M, Huang CL, Kanenishi K, Shimada A, Maekawa N and Sakamoto H. Effects of aging and HIF-1alpha deficiency on permeability of hippocampal vessels. Microscopy Research and Technique 69: 29-35, 2006 32. Chiba Y, Shimada A, Satoh M, Saitoh Y, Kawamura N, Hanai A, Keino H, Ide Y, Shimizu T and Hosokawa, M : Sensory system-predominant distribution of leukotriene A4 hydrolase and its colocalization with calretinin in the mouse nervous system. Neuroscience 141: 917-927, 2006 33. Kumagai N, Chiba Y, Hosono M, Fujii M, Kawamura N, Keino H, Yoshikawa K, Ishii S, Saitoh Y, Satoh M, Shimada A and Hosokawa M : Involvement of pro-inflammatory cytokines and microglia in an age-associated neurodegeneration model, the SAMP10 mouse. Brain Research 1185: 75-85, 2007 34. Shimada A, Keino H, Kawamura N, Chiba Y and Hosokawa M : Limbic structures are prone to age-related impairments in proteasome activity and neuronal ubiquitinated inclusions in SAMP10 mouse: A model of cerebral degeneration. Neuropathology and Applied Neurobiology 34: 33-51, 2008 35. Komatsu T, Chiba T, Yamaza H, Yamashita K, Shimada A, Hoshiyama Y, Henmi T, Ohtani H, Higami Y, de Cabo R, Ingram DK and Shimokawa I : Manipulation of caloric content but not diet composition, attenuates the deficit in learning and memory of senescence-accelerated mouse strain P8. Experimental Gerontology 43: 339-346, 2008 36. Satoh M, Shimada A, Kawamura N, Chiba Y, Yoshikawa K, Ishii S, Furukawa A, Kumagai N and Hosokawa M. Neuronal toxicity of expanded polyglutamine depends on intracellular distribution in addition to the expression level. Neuropathology 28: 485-496, 2008 37. Saitoh Y, Matsui F, Chiba Y, Kawamura N, Keino H, Satoh M, Kumagai N, Ishii S, Yoshikawa K, Shimada A, Maeda N, Oohira A and Hosokawa M : Reduced expression of MAb6B4 epitopes on chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan aggrecan in perineuronal nets from cerebral cortices of SAMP10 mice: A model for age-dependent neurodegeneration. Journal of Neuroscience Research 86: 1316-1323, 2008 38. Sasaki T, Unno K, Tahara S, Shimada A, Chiba Y, Hoshino M and Kaneko T : Age-related increase of superoxide generation in the brains of mammals and birds. Aging Cell 7: 459-469, 2008 39. Chiba Y, Shimada A, Yoshida F, Keino H, Hasegawa M, Ikari H, Miyake S and Hosokawa M : Risk of fall for individuals with intellectual disability. American Journal of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities 114: 225-236, 2009 40. Ohgami N, Ida-Eto M, Shimotake T, Sakashita N, Sone M, Nakashima T, Tabuchi K, Hoshino T, Shimada A, Tsuzuki T, Yamamoto M, Sobue G, Jijiwa M, Asai N, Hara A, Takahashi M, Kato M : c-Ret-mediated hearing loss in mice with Hirschsprung disease. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 107: 13051-13056, 2010 41. Furukawa A, Oikawa S, Hasegawa-Ishii S, Chiba Y, Kawamura N, Takei S, Yoshikawa K, Hosokawa M, Kawanishi S and Shimada A : Proteomic analysis of aging brain in SAMP10 mouse: a model of age-related cerebral degeneration. Mechanisms of Ageing and Development 131: 379-388, 2010 42. Furukawa A, Oikawa S, Harada K, Sugiyama H, Hiraku Y, Murata M, Shimada A and Kawanishi S : Oxidatively generated DNA damage induced by 3-amino-5-mercapto-1,2,4-triazole, a metabolite of carcinogenic amitrole. Mutation Research-Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis 694: 7-12, 2010 43. Takei S, Tokuhira Y, Shimada A, Hosokawa M and Fukuoka S : The eosin-shadow method: a selective enhancement of light microscopic visualization of pancreatic zymogen granules on hematoxylin-eosin sections. Anatomical Science International 85: 245-250, 2010 44. Hasegawa-Ishii S, Takei S, Inaba M, Umegaki H, Chiba Y, Furukawa A, Kawamura N, Hosokawa M and Shimada A : Defects in cytokine-mediated neuroprotective glial responses to excitotoxic hippocampal injury in senescence-accelerated mouse. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity 25: 83-100, 2011 45. Yoshikawa K, Takei S, Hasegawa-Ishii S, Chiba Y, Furukawa A, Kawamura N, Hosokawa M, Woodward DF, Watanabe K and Shimada A : Preferential localization of prostamide/prostaglandin F synthase in myelin sheaths of the central nervous system. Brain Research 1367: 22-32, 2011 46. Hasegawa-Ishii S, Takei S, Chiba Y, Furukawa A, Umegaki H, Iguchi A, Kawamura N, Yoshikawa K, Hosokawa M and Shimada A : Morphological impairments in microglia precede age-related neuronal degeneration in senescence-accelerated mice. Neuropathology 31: 20-28, 2011 47. Furukawa A, Kawamoto Y, Chiba Y, Takei S, Hasegawa-Ishii S, Kawamura N, Yoshikawa K, Hosokawa M, Oikawa S, Kato M and Shimada A : Proteomic identification of hippocampal proteins vulnerable to oxidative stress in excitotoxin-induced acute neuronal injury. Neurobiology of Disease 43: 706-714, 2011 48. Hoshino S, Kurishima A, Inaba M, Ando Y, Fukui T, Uchida K, Nishio A, Iwai H, Yokoi T, Ito T, Hasegawa-Ishii S, Shimada A, Li M, Okazaki K and Ikehara S : Amelioration of 2,4,6- trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid-induced colitis in mice by immunoregulatory dendritic cells. Journal of Gastroenterology 46: 1368-1381, 2011 49. Ohgami N, Ida-Eto M, Sakashita N, Sone M, Nakashima T, Tabuchi K, Hoshino T, Shimada A, Tsuzuki T, Yamamoto M, Sobue G, Jijiwa M, Asai N, Hara A, Takahashi M and Kato M : Partial impairment of c-Ret at tyrosine 1062 accelerates age-related hearing loss in mice. Neurobiology of Aging 33: 626.e25-34, 2012 50. Chiba Y, Takei S, Kawamura N, Kawaguchi Y, Sasaki K, Hasegawa-Ishii S, Furukawa A, HosokawaM and Shimada A : Immunohistochemical localization of aggresomal proteins in glial cytoplasmic inclusions in multiple system atrophy. Neuropathology and Applied Neurobiology 38: 559-571, 2012 51. Takei S, Hasegawa-Ishii S, Uekawa A, Chiba Y, Umegaki H, Hosokawa M, Woodward DF, Watanabe K and Shimada A : Immunohistochemical demonstration of increased prostaglandin F2alfa levels in the rat hippocampus following kainic acid-induced seizures. Neuroscience 218: 295-304, 2012 52. Hasegawa-Ishii S, Shimada A, Inaba M, Li M, Shi M, Kawamura N, Takei S, Chiba Y, Hosokawa M and Ikehara S : Selective localization of bone marrow-derived ramified cells in the brain adjacent to the attachments of choroid plexus. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity 29: 82-97, 2013 53. Yoshikawa K, Kita Y, Furukawa A, Kawamura N, Hasegawa-Ishii S, Chiba Y, Takei S, Maruyama K, Shimizu T and Shimada A : Excitotoxicity-induced immediate surge in hippocampal prostanoid production has latent effects that promote chronic progressive neuronal death. Prostaglandins, Leukotrienes and Essential Fatty Acids 88: 373–381, 2013 54. Tanisawa K, Mikami E, Fuku N, Honda Y, Honda S, Ohsawa I, Ito M, Endo S, Ihara K, Ohno K, Kishimoto Y, Ishigami A, Maruyama N, Sawabe M, Iseki H, Okazaki Y, Hasegawa-Ishii S, Takei S, Shimada A, Hosokawa M, Mori M, Higuchi K, Takeda T, Higuchi M and Tanaka M : Exome sequencing of senescence-accelerated mice (SAM) reveals deleterious mutations in degenerative disease-causing genes. BMC Genomics 14: 248, 2013 (DOI: 10.1186/1471-2164-14-248) 55. Chiba Y, Komori H, Takei S, Hasegawa-Ishii S, Kawamura N, Adachi K, Nanba E, Hosokawa M, Enokido Y, Kouchi Z, Yoshida F and Shimada A : Niemann-Pick disease type C1 predominantly involving the frontotemporal region, with cortical and brainstem Lewy bodies: An autopsy case. Neuropathology 34:49-57, 2014 (DOI: 10.1111/neup.12047) 56. Unno K, Yamamoto H, Toda M, Hagiwara S, Iguchi K, Hoshino M, Takabayashi F, Hasegawa-Ishii S, Shimada A, Hosokawa M, Higuchi K and Mori M : Novel flame-shift mutation in Slc5a2 encoding SGLT2 in a strain of senescence-accelerated mouse SAMP10. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 454:89-94, 2014 (DOI: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2014.10.039) 57. Hasegawa-Ishii S, Inaba M, Li M, Shi M, Umegaki H, Ikehara S and Shimada A : Increased recruitment of bone marrow-derived cells into the brain associated with altered brain cytokine profile in senescence-accelerated mice. Brain Structure and Function 221:1513-1531, 2016 (Epub in Jan, 2015; DOI 10.1007/s00429-014-0987-2) 58. Hasegawa-Ishii S, Inaba M, , Umegaki H, Unno K, Wakabayashi K and Shimada A : Endotoxemia-induced cytokine-mediated responses of hippocampal astrocytes transmitted by cells of the brain–immune interface. Scientific Reports 6:25457, 2016 (DOI: 10.1038/srep25457) (http://www.nature.com/articles/srep25457) 59. Hasegawa-Ishii S, Shimada A and Imamura F : Lipopolysaccharide-initiated persistent rhinitis causes gliosis and synaptic loss in the olfactory bulb. Scientific Reports 7:11605, 2017 (DOI: 10.1038/s41598-017-10229-w) 60. Hasegawa-Ishii S, Shimada A and Imamura F : Neuroplastic changes in the olfactory bulb associated with nasal inflammation in mice. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 143(3):978-989.e3., 2019 (Epub in 2018 Oct 10, 2018; DOI: 10.1016/j.jaci.2018.09.028) 61. Hasegawa-Ishii S, Muneo Inaba M and Shimada A : Widespread time-dependent changes in tissue cytokine concentrations in brain regions during the acute phase of endotoxemia in mice. Neurotoxicology 76:67-74, 2020 (Epub on Oct 16, 2019; DOI: 10.1016/j.neuro.2019.10.006) 62. Hasegawa-Ishii S, Imamura F, Nagayama S, Murata M, and Shimada A : Differential Effects of Nasal Inflammation and Odor Deprivation on Layer-Specific Degeneration of the Mouse Olfactory Bulb. eNeuro 7: 0403-0419, 2020 (DOI: 10.1523/ENEURO.0403-19.2020) 63. Furukawa A, Kakita A, Chiba Y, Kitaura H, Fujii Y, Fukuda M, Kameyama S and Shimada A : Proteomic profile differentiating between mesial temporal lobe epilepsy with and without hippocampal sclerosis. Epilepsy Research 168:106502, 2020 (DOI: 10.1016/j.eplepsyres.2020.106502) 64. Ohgami N, Iizuka A, Hirai H, Yajima I, Iida M, Shimada A, Tsuzuki T, Jijiwa M, Asai N, Takahashi M, Kato M : Impaired phosphorylation of c-Ret causes cerebellar hypoplasia in mice with Hirschsprung disease. Journal of Biological Chemistry 296: 100389, 2021 (DOI: 10.1016/j.jbc.2021.100389) 65. Mishima Y, Osaki T, Shimada A, Kamiya S, Hasegawa-Ishii S : Sex-dependent differences in the gut microbiota following chronic nasal inflammation in adult mice. Scientific Reports 11: 4640, 2021 (DOI: 10.1038/s41598-021-83896-5) 66. Noji N, Okayama K, Oda M, Shimada A, Okodo M : Human papillomavirus infection status of single cells isolated from cervical cytology specimens by simple manual microdissection. Journal of Medical Virology 2021: 1-11, 2021 (DOI: 10.1002/jmv.26888) 67. Shimada A, Hasegawa-Ishii S : Increased cytokine expression in the choroid plexus stroma and epithelium in response to endotoxin-induced systemic inflammation in mice. Toxicology Reports 8: 520-528, 2021 (DOI: 10.1016/j.toxrep.2021.03.002) 68. Mikawa T, Shibata E, Shimada M, Ito K, Ito T, Kanda H, Takubo Keiyo, Shimada A, Lleonart ME, Inagaki N, Yokode M, *Kondoh H : Characterization of genetically modified mice for phosphoglycerate mutase, a vitally-essential enzyme in glycolysis. PLoS ONE 16: e0250856, 2021 (DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0250856) 69. Asano H, *Hasegawa-Ishii S, Arae K, Obara A, Laumet G, Dantzer R, Shimada A : Infiltration of peripheral immune cells into the olfactory bulb in a mouse model of acute nasal inflammation. Journal of Neuroimmunology 368, 577897, 2022 (DOI: 10.1016/j.jneuroim.2022.577897) 70. *Shimada A, Murata M, Aoyagi S, Asano H, Obara A, Hasegawa-Ishii S : Delayed microglial activation associated with the resolution of neuroinflammation in a mouse model of sublethal endotoxemia-induced systemic inflammation. Toxicology Reports 9 : 1380-1390, 2022 B.英文総説 1. Shimada A and Takeda T : Inherited brain atrophy in the mouse. Comparative Pathology Bulletin XXV(4): 4-5, 1993 (published by The Registry of Comparative Pathology, Armed Forces Institute of Pathology) 2. Higuchi K, Shimada A, Hosokawa M and Takeda T : The first international conference on senescence: The SAM model Kyoto, Japan 1994. Amyloid 2: 134-138, 1995 3. Ingram DK, Shimada A, Mukhin A and London ED : Evaluating the glutamate hypothesis of geriatric memory impairment: focus on hippocampal NMDA receptors. Perspectives in Brain Aging Research 30-35, 1996 (published by the Italian Association on Brain Aging Research) 4. Shimada A : Age-dependent cerebral atrophy and cognitive dysfunction in SAMP10 mice. Neurobiology of Aging. 20: 125-136, 1999 5. Chiba Y, Shimada A, Kumagai N, Yoshikawa K, Ishii S, Furukawa A, Takei S, Sakura M, Kawamura N and Hosokawa M : The Senescence-accelerated Mouse (SAM): a higher oxidative stress and age-dependent degenerative diseases model. Neurochemical Research 34:679-687, 2009 6. Shimada A and Hasegawa-Ishii S : Senescence-accelerated mice (SAMs) as a model for brain aging and immunosenescence. Aging and Disease 2: 414-436, 2011 7. Hasegawa-Ishii S, Inaba M, Li M, Umegaki H, Ikehara S and Shimada A : Dynamics of bone marrow-derived cells relevant to the brain-immune cell-cell interactions under non-inflammatory conditions. Current Trends in Neurology 8:39-52, 2014 8. Shimada A and Hasegawa-Ishii S : Histological architecture underlying brain–immune cell–cell interactions and the cerebral response to systemic inflammation. Frontiers in Immunology 8: 17, 2017 (DOI: 10.3389/fimmu.2017.00017) 9. Zouikr I, Hasegawa-Ishii S and Shimada A : Neuroimmune interface in health and diseases [Editorial]. Frontiers in Immunology 8: 1315, 2017 (DOI: 10.3389/fimmu.2017.01315) 10. Shimada A : Principles of neuroanatomical architecture supporting brain–immune cell–cell interactions. Clinical and Experimental Neuroimmunology 11: 5-15, 2020 (DOI: 10.1111/cen3.12559) 11. Kelley KW and Shimada A : Neuroinflammation and the blood–brain–interface: new findings in brain pathology. Clinical and Experimental Neuroimmunology 11: 16-20, 2020 (DOI: 10.1111/cen3.12558 ) 12. Shimada A and Yokota T : Editorial: Physiological and pathological brain-immune system interactions. Clinical and Experimental Neuroimmunology 11: 3-4, 2020 (DOI: 10.1111/cen3.12561) 13. Kelley KW, Peng YP, Liu Q, Chang HC, Spencer S, Hutchinson M and Shimada A : PsychoNeuroImmunology Goes East: Development of the PNIRSChina Affiliate and Its Expansion into PNIRSAsia-Pacific. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity88: 75-87, 2020 (DOI: 10.1016/j.bbi.2020.04.026) C.英文著書 1. Naiki H, Higuchi K, Kitagawa K, Shimada A, Chen W-H, Hosokawa M, Nakakuki K and Takeda T : Fluorometric examination of tissue amyloid fibrils in murine senile amyloidosis: Use of the fluorescent indicator, Thioflavine-T. In “Amyloid and Amyloidosis 1990” (Eds.) Natvig JB, et al., pp 393-396, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 1991 2. Shimada A, Ohta A, Akiguchi I and Takeda T : The search for an animal model of the aging brain. In “Development and Involution of Neurons” (Eds.) Fujisawa K and Morimatsu Y, pp 269-271, Japan Scientific Societies Press, Tokyo, 1992 3. Naiki H, Higuchi K, Shimada A, Takeda T, Nakakuki K : Genetics of murine senile amyloidosis. In “Amyloid and Amyloidosis 1993” (Eds.) Kisilevsky, R., et al., pp 566-568, Perthenon Publishing, New York, 1994 4. Akiguchi I, Yagi H, Ueno M, Takemura M, Kitabayashi T, Seriu N, Kawamata T, Nakamura S, Shimada A and Takeda T : Age related morphological changes in the brain of senescence-accerelated mouse (SAMP8). In “The SAM Model of Senescence” (Ed.) Takeda T, pp 67-72, Excerpta Medica/Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1994 5. Ingram DK, Kuo H, Hengemihle J, Shimada A, Tian M and Jucker M : Motor and memory performance of SAM P8, R1, and C57BL/6 mice: Assessing the relationship to PAS-positive granules in Brain. In “The SAM Model of Senescence” (Ed.) Takeda T, pp 73-82, Excerpta Medica/Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1994 6. Shimada A, Ohta A, Akiguchi I and Takeda T : Inbred SAMP10 as a mouse model of spontaneous, inherited brain atrophy. In “The SAM Model of Senescence” (Ed.) Takeda T, pp 95-99, Excerpta Medica/Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1994 7. Saitoh Y, Hosokawa M, Shimada A, Watanabe Y, Yasuda N, Murakami Y and Takeda T : Age-related hearing impairment in senescence-acclerated mouse (SAM). In “The SAM Model of Senescence” (Ed.) Takeda T, pp 255-258, Excerpta Medica/Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1994 8. Takemura M, Nakamura S, Akiguchi I, Ueno M, Oka N, Ishikawa S, Shimada A, Kimura J and Takeda, T : Beta/A4 protein-like immunoreactive granular structures in the brain of senescence-accelerated mouse (SAM). In “The SAM Model of Senescence” (Ed.) Takeda T, pp 355-358, Excerpta Medica/Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1994 9. 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所属学会 | PsychoNeuroImmunology Research Society、日本神経病理学会、Society for Neuroscience、日本神経科学学会、New York Academy of Sciences、American Society for Investigative Pathology、日本病理学会 | |
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