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Faculty of Medicine教員紹介:渋谷 賢

氏名 渋谷 賢
シブヤ サトシ SHIBUYA, Satoshi
学内の役職・委員等医学教育センター 感染症医療人材養成室(VR部門)



医学専攻 統合生理学分野(新課程)

生理系専攻 生体機能制御学分野(統合生理学)(旧課程)

担当科目(学部)プレチュートリアル(M1),統合生理学(M2),人文・生命科学特論(M2), 生理学実習(M2)
研究テーマ1. 身体性自己意識に関する研究 [国内共同]
2. 頚髄症患者の到達把持運動に関する研究 [学内共同]
3. 多種感覚統合による脳内身体表現に関する研究
略歴1991年 富山県立富山高等学校  卒業
1995年 埼玉大学教育学部    卒業
2002年 東京学芸大学連合大学院 修了
2003年 科学技術振興機構研究員(順天堂大学医学部)
2005年 杏林大学医学部統合生理学教室 任期制助手
2007年 杏林大学医学部統合生理学教室 助教
2013年 杏林大学医学部統合生理学教室 学内講師
2017年 杏林大学医学部統合生理学教室 講師
2024年 杏林大学医学部統合生理学教室 准教授
論文・著書等を含む主要研究業績 論文・著書
31. Education programs for invasive procedures involving nurses: A scoping review. Open Journal of Nursing (H. Shibuya, A. Saito, M. Mugiyama, N. Yamaji, C. Eto & S. Shibuya*) , 14, 200-224, (2024) *equal contribution

30. Mu rhythm desynchronization while observing rubber hand movement in the mirror: interaction of body representation with visuo-tactile stimulation. Brain Sciences (S. Shibuya & Y. Ohki) 2023, 13, 969, (2023)

29. Tactile temporal order judgment during rubber hand illusion: distinct modulation of the point of subjective simultaneity and temporal resolution. Consciousness and Cognition (S. Shibuya, H. Oosone & Y. Ohki) 105 (2022) 103402

28. Predictability of delayed visual feedback under rubber hand illusion modulates localization but not ownership of the hand. Frontiers in Psychology (S. Shibuya, S. Unenaka & Y. Ohki), 12:771284, (2021)*


27. Distinct modulation of mu and beta rhythm desynchronization during observation of embodied fake hand rotation. Neuropsychologia (S. Shibuya, S. Unenaka, S. Shimada & Y. Ohki) 159 (2021) 107952

26. Effects of orientation and appearance of a synchronously moving object on hand movements. Psychology International (S. Shibuya), 2(4), 287-295, (2020)

25. Development of VR teaching material for nursing skill learning: Usability evaluation using free description analysis. Journal of Japan Association for Simulation-based Education in Healthcare Professionals (H. Shibuya, C. Eto, M. Suzuki, R. Imai, A. Yamashita, S. Kawanabe, M. Yokota & S. Shibuya) 8, 21-27, (2020) (written in Japanese)*

*本論文がPDFアクセスランキング1位(2021年10月~2023年11月)として日本シミュレーション医療教育学会ニュースレター(SimNET Vol.2)で紹介されました(2024.1).

24. Sensorimotor and posterior brain activations during the observation of illusory embodied fake hand movement. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience (S. Shibuya, S. Unenaka, T. Zama, S. Shimada & Y. Ohki), 13:367, (2019)

23. Changes in the body representation of human upper limb as a function of the movement and visual hand position. Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics (S. Hamasaki, Q. An, W. Wen, Y. Tamura, H. Yamakawa, S. Unenaka, S. Shibuya, Y. Ohki, A. Yamashita & H. Asama), 23/2, 196-208, (2019)

22. Exploring the possibility of virtual reality in nursing skills education: A preliminary study using a first-person video. Open Journal of Nursing (H. Shibuya, C. Eto, M. Suzuki, R. Imai, A. Yamashita, R. Nakano, S. Kawanabe, M. Yokota & S. Shibuya*), 9, 163-172, (2019) *equal contribution

21. The relationship between the virtual hand illusion and motor Performance. Frontiers in Psychology (S. Shibuya, S. Unenaka & Y. Ohki), 9:2242, (2018)

20. Hand dexterity impairment in patients with cervical myelopathy: A new quantitative assessment using a natural prehension movement. Behavioural Neurology (M. Omori, S. Shibuya*, T. Nakajima, T. Endoh, S. Suzuki, S. Irie, R. Ariyasu, S. Unenaka, H. Sano, K. Igarashi, S. Ichimura & Y. Ohki), (2018), Vol. 2018, Article ID 5138234, *equal contribution

19. Spontaneous imitative movements induced by an illusory embodied fake hand. Neuropsychologia (S. Shibuya, S. Unenaka, T. Zama, S. Shimada & Y. Ohki) 111, 77-84, (2018)*



18. Reassessment of non-Monosynaptic excitation from the motor cortex to motoneurons in single motor units of the human biceps brachii. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience (T. Nakajima, T. Tazoe, M. Sakamoto, T. Endo, S. Shibuya, L. A. Elias, R. A. Mezzarane, T. Komiyama & Y. Ohki) 11:19, (2017)

17. Development of VR platform for cloud-based neurorehabilitation and its application to research on sense of agency and ownership. Advanced Robotics (T. Inamura, S. Unenaka, S. Shibuya, Y. Ohki, Y. Oouchida & S. Izumi) 31/1-2, 97-106, (2017)

16. Body ownership and agency: task-dependent effects of the virtual hand illusion on proprioceptive drift. Experimental Brain Research (S. Shibuya, S. Unenaka & Y. Ohki) 235/1, 121-134, (2017)

15. Development of a new objective method for assessments of dexterous motor function in patients with cervical myelopathy. Journal of Functional Diagnosis of the Spinal Cord (M. Omori, S. Shibuya, H. Sano, T. Nakajima, S. Suzuki, S. Irie, Y. Ohki, T. Endoh, K. Igarashi & S. Ichimura) 37/1, 43-48(Web only), (2017) (written in Japanese)

14. Evaluating effect of sense of ownership and sense of agency on body representation change of human upper limb. International Symposium on Micro-NanoMechatronics and Human Science (MHS) (S. Hamasaki, Q. An, W. Wen, Y. Tamura, H. Yamakawa, A. Yamashita, H. Asama. S. Shibuya & Y. Ohki), 1-5, (2015)*

*本成果がMHS国際シンポジウムでBest poster awardを受賞しました(2015.11.25).

13. Is this my hand? Body-ownership and the rubber hand illusion. The Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine (S. Shibuya, S. Unenaka & Y. Ohki) 4/2, 213-216, (2015)*invited review article

12. Neural correlates of tactile temporal-order judgment in humans: an fMRI study. Cerebral Cortex (T. Takahashi, K. Kansaku, M. Wada, S. Shibuya & S. Kitazawa) 23/8, 1952-1964, (2013)

11. Influence of skin blood flow on near-infrared spectroscopy signals measured on the forehead during a verbal fluency task. NeuroImage (T. Takahashi, Y. Takikawa, R. Kawagoe, S. Shibuya, T. Iwano & S. Kitazawa) 57/3, 991-1002, (2011)*

*本論文の引用回数が300回を超えました .

10. Functional assessment of proximal arm muscles by target-reaching movements in patients with cervical myelopathy. The Spine Journal (K. Igarashi, S. Shibuya, H. Sano, M. Takahashi, K. Satomi & Y. Ohki) 11/4, 270-280, (2011)*

*本論文が世界500以上のジャーナルからVery Best Articlesを選出・解説する”Year Book of Sports Medicine 2012”, pp. 43-46, Elsevierに掲載されました(2012.8.1)

9. Detection of Inner Speech Using Near Infrared Spectroscopy. Shimadzu Review (T. Iwano, T. Takahashi, Y. Takikawa, R. Kawagoe, S. Shibuya & S. Kitazawa) 66/3-4, 127-132, (2010) (written in Japanese)

8. Reversal of subjective temporal order due to sensory and motor integration. Attention and Performance XXII:Sensorimotor foundations of higher cognition. Eds: P.Haggard, Y. Rossetti & M. Kawato (S. Kitazawa, S. Moizumi, A. Okuzumi, F. Saito, S. Shibuya, T. Takahashi, M. Wada & S. Yamamoto) 9/, 73-97, (2008)

7. Functional assessments of human proximal arm muscles by target-reaching movements in patients with cervical myelopathy. Journal of Functional Diagnosis of the Spinal Cord (K. Igarashi, S. Shibuya, H. Sano, M. Takahashi, K. Satomi & Y. Ohki) 30/1, 134-141, (2008) (written in Japanese)

6. Effects of visual stimuli on temporal order judgments of unimanual finger stimuli. Experimental Brain Research (S. Shibuya, T. Takahashi & S. Kitazawa) 179/4, 709-721, (2007)

5. Functional assessments of human proximal arm muscles by target-reaching movements. Journal of Functional Diagnosis of the Spinal Cord (K. Igarashi, S. Shibuya, H. Sano, K. Satomi & Y. Ohki) 29/1, 97-104, (2007) (written in Japanese)

4. Cutaneous inputs can activate the ipsilateral primary motor cortex during bimanual sensory-driven movements in humans. Journal of Neurophysiology (S. Shibuya & Y. Ohki) 92/, 3200-3209, (2004)

3. Contextual interference in learning sequential movements: Analysis based on developments of motor sequence representation. Journal of Educational Research (S. Shibuya), 6, 131-142, (2002) (written in Japanese)

2. Interaction between contextual interference and summary feedback in motor learning: Analysis based on motor planning time. Journal of Educational Research (S. Shibuya), 3, 133-143, (2000) (written in Japanese)

1. Interaction of contextual interference and summary feedback in motor learning. Japanese Journal of Physical Education (S. Shibuya & M. Ito) 44/2, 100-111, (1999) (written in Japanese)












所属学会 北米神経科学学会,日本神経科学学会,日本基礎心理学会,日本認知科学会,日本スポーツ心理学会
学外活動神奈川大学大学院人間科学研究科 非常勤講師