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Faculty of Medicine皮膚科学教室





















研究では既存の視点にこだわらず、杏林皮膚科ならではといえる再生医学、免疫学の手法を組みあわせた独創的なアプローチにより、疾患の病態を明らかにしつつ、さらに安全かつ有効な治療のための最適化、新規治療法の提案を行ってきました。研究のテーマとして1)皮膚疾患(難治性脱毛症、重症薬疹、皮膚悪性腫瘍)の病態把握・予後予測に役立つバイオマーカー・因子の同定 2)皮膚疾患モデルの作成とそれを用いた新規治療法の開発 3)組織幹細胞、ヒトiPS細胞を用いた皮膚付属器再生技術の確立4)発汗と皮膚疾患・感染症と皮膚疾患の関連性の解明 などがあげられます。実学を重んじ、臨床に還元可能な研究を行うことを心掛けています。


  1. Ohyama M, Matsudo K, Fujita T.: Management of hair loss after severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 infection: Insight into the pathophysiology with implication for better management. J Dermatol. 2022 May 27. doi: 10.1111/1346-8138.16475. Online ahead of print.
  2. King B, Ohyama M, Kwon O, Zlotogorski A, Ko J, Mesinkovska NA, Hordinsky M, Dutronc Y, Wu WS, McCollam J, Chiasserini C, Yu G, Stanley S, Holzwarth K, DeLozier AM, Sinclair R; BRAVE-AA Investigators.: Two Phase 3 Trials of Baricitinib for Alopecia Areata. N Engl J Med. 2022 May 5;386(18):1687-1699.
  3. Mizukawa Y, Aoyama Y, Takahashi H, Takahashi R, Shiohara T.: Risk of Progression to Autoimmune Disease in Severe Drug Eruption: Risk Factors and the Factor-Guided Stratification. J Invest Dermatol. 2022 Mar;142(3 Pt B):960-968.e9.
  4. Shimoda-Komatsu Y, Mizukawa Y, Yamazaki Y, Ohyama M: Focal hypohidrosis in lesional skin in a probable case of confluent and reticulated papillomatosis: A case report with insight into the pathomechanism of recurrence. J Dermatol. 50(2). 266-270. 2023.
  5. Fukuyama M, Kinoshita-Ise M, Mizukawa Y, Ohyama M: Two-sided influence of dupilumab on alopecia areata co-existing with severe atopic dermatitis: A case series and literature review. J Cutan Immnol Alleg. 6(1). 13-17. 2022.
  6. Shimoda-Komatsu Y, Yamazaki Y, Kimishima M, Mizukawa Y, Ohayma M: Clinicopathological digital image analyses before and after thermal stimulation subdivide acquired idiopathic generalized anhidrosis into inflammatory and non-inflammatory type. J Dermatol Sci. 108(1). 12-21. 2022.
  7. Fukuyama M, Ito T, Ohyama M.: Alopecia areata: Current understanding of the pathophysiology and update on therapeutic approaches, featuring the Japanese Dermatological Association guidelines.J Dermatol. 2022 Jan;49(1):19-36.
  8. Kinoshita-Ise M, Fukuyama M, Ohyama M.: Distinctive age distribution and hair loss pattern putatively highlighting uniqueness of Japanese cases of fibrosing alopecia in a pattern distribution. J Dermatol. 2022 Jan;49(1):106-117.
  9. Shimoda-Komatsu Y, Ida Y, Noda A, Oda M, Shimoda M, Shimoyamada H, Narita Y, Ohyama M.: Histological assessment of granuloma formation for the management of cutaneous Mycobacterium chelonae infection. J Dermatol. 2022 Jan;49(1):e32-e33.
  10. Fukuyama M, Tsukashima A, Kimishima M, Yamazaki Y, Okano H, Ohyama M.: Human iPS Cell-Derived Cell Aggregates Exhibited Dermal Papilla Cell Properties in in vitro Three-Dimensional Assemblage Mimicking Hair Follicle Structures. Front Cell Dev Biol. 2021 Aug 2;9:590333. doi: 10.3389/fcell.2021.590333. eCollection 2021.
  11. Kinoshita-Ise M, Fukuyama M, Ohyama M.: Clinicopathological insight into self-reported hair loss with no findings: How do we manage this enigmatic condition? J Dermatol. 2021 Sep;48(9):1447-1452.
  12. Aoki K, Ohyama M, Mizukawa Y.: A case of lichen amyloidosis associated with atopic dermatitis successfully treated with dupilumab: A case report and literature review. Dermatol Ther. 2021 Jul;34(4):e15005.
  13. Miyagawa-Kanno H, Fukuyama M, Saito M, Kurai D, Ohyama M.: Perianal amebiasis cutis masked by giant condyloma acuminatum in a HIV-seropositive patient. J Dermatol. 2021 Jul;48(7):e333-e334.
  14. Ito-Muramatsu A, Fukuyama M, Hayakawa J, Ohyama M.: Long-term remission of unusual plasmoacanthoma on the nasal canthus achieved by intralesional corticosteroid injection: Insights into the pathogenesis and treatment planning based on a literature review. J Dermatol. 2021 Jul;48(7):1081-1085.
  15. Kurata M, Ohyama M.: Long-term remission of severe nail psoriasis after discontinuation of apremilast in a colorectal cancer survivor. J Dermatol. 2021 Jun;48(6):e248-e249.
  16. Shimoda-Komatsu Y, Yamazaki Y, Kimishima M, Tsukashima A, Ohyama M: Digital-immunohistological dissection of immune privilege collapse in syringotropic autoimmune diseases: an implication for the pathogenesis. J Dermal Sci 101(1): 30-39, 2021.
  17. Sato Y, Kinoshita-Ise M, Fukuyama M, Yamazaki Y, Ohyama M: Development of a scoring system to predict outcomes of i.v. corticosteroid pulse therapy in rapidly progressive alopecia areata adopting digital image analysis of hair recovery. J Dermatol 48(3): 301-309, 2021.
  18. Shimoda-Komatsu, Y, Mizukawa Y, Takayama N1, Ohyama M (1The Second Department of Internal Medicine, Kyorin University): Cutaneous adverse events induced by azacitidine in myeodysplastic syndrome patients: case reports and a lesson from literature review. J Dermatol 47(4): 363-368, 2020.
  19. Mizukawa Y, Kimishima M, Aoyama Y, Shiohara T.: Predictive biomarkers for cytomegalovirus reactivation before and after immunosuppressive therapy: A single-institution retrospective long-term analysis of patients with drug-induced hypersensitivity syndrome (DiHS)/drug reaction with eosinophilia and systemic syndrome (DRESS). Int J Infect Dis. 2020 Nov;100:239-246.
  20. Fukuyama M, Kinoshita-Ise M, Sato Y, Ohayama M: Elucidation of demographic, clinical, and trichoscopic features of self-healing acute diffuse and total alopecia facilitating the early differential diagnosis. J Dermatol 47(6): 583-591, 2020.
  21. Mizukawa Y, Hirahara K, Kano Y, Shiohara T. Drug-induced hypersensitivity syndrome/drug reaction with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms severity score: A useful tool for assessing disease severity and predicting fatal cytomegalovirus disease.<https://www-ncbi-nlm-nih-gov.ezproxy.kyorin-u.ac.jp/pubmed/30240780> J Am Acad Dermatol. 80:670-678, 2019.


  1. 大山学:脱毛・多毛をきたす疾患.皮膚疾患診療実践ガイド 第3版.宮地良樹編.文光堂.2022.39-42.
  2. 大山学:円形脱毛症.皮膚科診療秘伝の書.神人正寿,常深祐一郎編.南江堂.2022.150-155.
  3. 水川良子(分担執筆):薬物アレルギー.一般社団法人日本アレルギー学会作成.足立雄一監修.協和企画.2022.324-364.
  4. 水川良子:小児の薬疹 大人の薬疹、子どもの薬疹(総説).日小児皮会誌.41(2).109-115.2022.