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Faculty of Medicineフローサイトメトリー部門




レーザー光で蛍光標識した細胞を超高速に解析・分取する「フローサイトメトリー (Flowcytometry/ FCM)」を扱う共同利用施設で,1990年に設立されました。現在、BD FACSAria™ IIuセルソーター、BD FACSCanto™ II フローサイトメーター、BD FACSLyric™ フローサイトメーター、そして2024年からBD FACSMelody™セルソーターが加わり、合計4台のサイトメトリーを運用しています。また、磁気細胞ソーター QuadroMacs Separatorの運用も開始しました。

フローサイトメトリー(Flow cytometry: FCM)とは

微細な細胞を流体中に分散させその流体を細く流し、レーザー光を照射して個々の細胞を光学的に分析する装置です。細胞の分析と同時に個々の細胞を一個単位で分取する装置がセルソーターと呼ばれ、最大4種類の分画を30,000/secで処理することが可能です。当部門ではFCMが4台稼働しており、そのうちFACSMelody™とFACSAria IIuはセルソーター機能を有しています。



独自運営している FCM WEB Site では、フローサイトメトリー部門のインフォメーション・利用方法・蛍光染色のTipsやテクニック・測定時の注意点・学外への情報提供などの提供を目的としています。





医学部皮膚科学教室と共同研究を行い、円形脱毛症やアトピー性皮膚炎、重症薬疹等の病態解明について研究を行っており、その研究成果は日本研究皮膚科学会(JSID)、欧州研究皮膚科学会(ESDR)、米国研究皮膚科学会(SID)、The Journal of Immunology等の著名な学会や科学雑誌で発表しています。


  1. Takahashi R, Kinoshita-Ise M, Yamazaki Y, Fukuyama M, and Ohyama M: Increase in CD8+ Effector Memory T Cells Re-Expressing CD45RA Correlates with Intractability of Severe Alopecia Areata: Journal of Investigative Dermatology. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jid.2024.01.006.
  2. Takahashi R, Shiohara T1, and Mizukawa Y1 (1Department of Dermatology): Monocyte-Independent and -Dependent Regulation of Regulatory T-Cell Development in Mycoplasma Infection: The Journal of Infectious Diseases 223:1724-1732, 2021.
  3. Takahashi R, Sato Y, Kimishima M, Shiohara T and Ohyama M: Intracellular accumulation of PD-1 molecules in circulating T lymphocytes in advanced malignant melanoma: an implication for immune evasion mechanism. Int J Clin Oncol 12: doi: 10.1007/s10147-020-01732-8, 2020.
  4. Moro Y1, Kogashiwa Y2, Sakurai H3, Takahashi R, Kimura T3, Hirasaki M4, Matsumoto Y1, Sugasawa M2, Kohno N1,5 (1Department of Otolaryngology, 2Department of Head and Neck Surgery, Otolaryngology, Saitama Medical University International Medical Center, 3Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, 4Division of Developmental Biology, Research Center for Genomic Medicine, Saitama Medical University, 5Department of Otolaryngology, Kosei Hospital) : In Vitro Study of the Anti-cancer Effect of Alternate-day 5-Fluorouracil in Head and Neck Cancer Cells. Anticancer Res 39:6041-6047, 2019.
  5. Ushigome Y, Mizukawa Y, Kimishima M, Yamazaki Y, Takahashi R, Kano Y, Shiohara T: Monocytes are involved in the balance between regulatory T cells and Th17 cells in severe drug eruptions. Clin Exp Allergy 48:1453-1463, 2018.
  6. Shimoda-Komatsu Y, Sato Y, Yamazaki Y, Takahashi R, Shiohara: A novel method to assess the potential role of sweating abnormalities in the pathogenesis of atopic dermatitis. Exp Dermatol 27:386-392, 2018.
  7. Shiohara T, Ushigome Y, Kano Y, Takahashi R: Crucial role of viral reactivation in the development of severe drug eruptions: a comprehensive review. Clin Rev Allergy Immunol 49:192-202, 2015.
  8. Shiohara T, Ushigome Y, Kano Y, and Takahashi R: Crucial Role of Viral Reactivation in the Development of Severe Drug Eruptions: a Comprehensive Review. Clinical Reviews in Allergy & Immunology (Published online: 16 Apr 2014).
  9. Takahashi R Sato Y, Kurata M, Yamazaki Y, Kimishima M, and Shiohara T: Pathological role of regulatory T cells in the initiation and maintenance of eczema herpeticum lesions.  The Journal of Immunology 192: 969-978. 2014.
  10. Hirahara , Kano Y,Mitsuyama Y, Takahashi R, Kimishima M, Shiohara T: Differences in immunological alterations and underlying viral infections in two well-defined severe drug eruptions. Clin Exp Dermatol 35: 863-868, 2010.
  11. Takahashi R., Kano Y ,Yamazaki Y, Kimishima M, Mizukawa Y, and Shiohara T: Defective regulatory T cells in patients with severe drug eruptions: timing of the dysfunction is associated with the pathological phenotype and outcome. The Journal of Immunology 182:8071-79, 2009.
  12. Shiohara T, Kano Y, and Takahashi R : Current concepts on the diagnosis and pathogenesis of drug-induced hypersensitivity syndrome. JMAJ 52:347-352, 2009.
  13. Mizukawa Y, Takahashi R, Yamazaki Y, Kimishima M and Shiohara T: Fucosyltransferase VII positive, skin-homing T cells in the blood and skin lesions of atopic dermatitis patients. Exp Dermatol. 17: 170-6, 2008.
  14. Kano Y, Hirahara K, Mitsuyama Y, Takahashi R, Shiohara T: Utility of the lymphocyte transformation test in the diagnosis of drug sensitivity: dependence on its timing and the type of drug eruption. Allergy 62: 1439-1444, 2007.
  15. Hasannejad H, Takahashi R (Corresponding author), Kimishima M, Hayakawa K, Shiohara T: Selective impairment of Toll-like receptor 2-mediated proinflammatory cytokine production by monocytes from patients with atopic dermatitis. J Allergy Clin Immunol,120, 69-75,2007.
  16. Inaoka , Kimishima M, Takahashi R, Shiohara T: Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs selectively inhibit cytokine production by NK cells and gamma delta T cells. Exp Dermatol, 15: 981-990, 2006.
  17. Katsuta , Takigawa Y, Kimishima M, Inaoka M, Takahashi R, Shiohara T: NK cells and gamma delta+ T cells are phenotypically and functionally defective due to preferential apoptosis in patients with atopic dermatitis. The Journal of Immunology, 176: 7736-7744, 2006.
  18. Shiohara T, Mizukawa Y, Takahashi R, Hayakawa J & Hayakawa K: T-cell dynamics of inflammatory skin diseases. Expert Review of Clinical Immunology 1: 357-368,2005.
  19. Takahashi R, Mizukawa Y, Yamazaki Y, Hayakawa K, Hayakawa J, Kudo A and Shiohara T: In Vitro Differentiation from Naive to Mature E-Selectin Binding CD4 T Cells: Acquisition of Skin-Homing Properties Occurs Independently of Cutaneous Lymphocyte Antigen Expression. The Journal of Immunology, 171: 5769-5777, 2003.
  20. Mizukawa Y, Shitara K, Yamazaki Y, Teraki Y, Takahashi R, Narimatsu H & Shiohra T: Development and characterization of a monoclonal antibody specific for fucosyltransferase VII (Fuc-T VII): Discordant expression of CLA and Fuc-T VII in peripheral CD4+ and CD8+ T cells. J Invest Dermatol 117: 743-747, 2001.
  21. Kawano TA, Aoki N, Homori M, Kawano K, Maki A, Kimura M, Yanagisawa A, Ohsaki T, Takahashi R, Shiohara T, Ishikawa K, Yoshino H: Mental stress and physical exercise increase platelet-dependent thrombin generation. Heart Vessels. 2000;15(6): 280-8.
  22. Takahashi R, Sekine N, and Nakatake T, Influence of monoclonal antiplatelet glyco-protein antibodies on in vitro human megakaryocyte colony formation and proplatelet formation: Blood, 93 (6): 1951-1958, 1999 特記事項1: 本論文の図がBlood 93 (6), 1999の表紙に採用された. 特記事項2: 本論文要旨の学会発表「International Association of Medical Laboratory Technologists (IAMLT), 23rd World Congress of Medical Technology, Singapore, June 28 – July 3, 19」は,「GOOD POSTER DESIGN AWARD 1998 IAMLT」を受賞.


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