
教員紹介:皿谷 健

皿谷 健
職位 教授
学内の役職・委員等 病棟医長 
医学教育センター臨床系カリキュラム室 副室長


担当科目(学部) 呼吸器内科学(医学部)
担当科目(大学院) 内科系専攻 内科学分野(呼吸器内科学)
専門分野 診断学、感染症学、びまん性肺疾患(膠原病など)
研究テーマ 膠原病肺
General Medicineと身体所見(聴診など)
略歴 1998年 順天堂大学医学部卒業
1998年 東京都立広尾病院・初期研修
2000年 東京都立駒込病院・後期研修
2003年 杏林大学第一内科入局  

2010年  第14回東京呼吸病態研究会 研究奨励賞
2014年  第3回杏林医学会研究奨励賞
2016年  杏林大学医学部若手研究支援/研究奨励賞
2016年  第55回ACCP award (American College of Chest Physicians)
     米国胸部学会 日本部会賞
2018年 杏林大学医学部ユニーク研究/研究奨励賞
2020年 杏林大学医学部ユニーク研究/研究奨励賞
2021年  西川医療財団研究助成
2021年 JRS young scientist award
2023年 杏林大学医学部ユニーク研究/研究奨励賞
所有する学位 博士(医学)
指導医・専門医・認定医、その他の資格等 日本内科学会認定内科医・総合内科専門医・指導医
詳細な業績は researchmap 研究者総覧 をご覧ください
英語論文 計180報
英文Corresponding author 97編
英文1st author 71編
英文2nd author69編
呼吸器診療ANDS BOOK (2019年、中外医学社)
Dr皿谷の肺音聴取道場 CareNeTV(DVD)

* Corresponding author
Impact of Cough Severity on the Diagnostic Yield of Endobronchial Ultrasonography Transbronchial Biopsy with Guide Sheath: A Retrospective Observational Study
J Clin Med 2024 Jan 8;13(2):347.
Kobayashi F, Saraya T* et al

Pneumonia outbreaks due to re-emergence of Mycoplasma pneumoniae
Lancet Microbe2024 Feb 8:S2666-5247(23)00406-8
Patrick M Meyer Sauteur, Michael L Beeton; European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ESCMID) Study Group for Mycoplasma and Chlamydia Infections (ESGMAC), and the ESGMAC Mycoplasma pneumoniae Surveillance (MAPS) study group (Saraya T et al )

Mycoplasma pneumoniae: delayed re-emergence after COVID-19 pandemic restrictions
Lancet Microbe2024 Feb;5(2):e100-e101
Patrick M Meyer Sauteur, Michael L Beeton ; European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ESCMID) Study Group for Mycoplasma and Chlamydia Infections (ESGMAC), and the ESGMAC Mycoplasma pneumoniae Surveillance (MAPS) study group (Saraya T et al )

Mycoplasma pneumoniae: gone forever?
Patrick M Meyer Sauteur, Michael L Beeton ; ESGMAC the ESGMAC MAPS study group (Saraya T et al )
Lancet Microbe2023 Oct;4(10):e763

A Real-World Prognosis in Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis: A Special Reference to the Role of Antifibrotic Agents for the Elderly
Honda K, Saraya T* et al
J Clin Med 2023 May 19;12(10):3564

Diagnostic method for malignant pleural effusion distinguishing malignant mesothelioma from lung cancer using pleural carcinoembryonic antigen and hyaluronic acid levels
Saraya T* et al
Medicine (Baltimore) 2022;101(1):e28517

Prospective nationwide multicentre cohort study of the clinical significance of autoimmune features in idiopathic interstitial pneumonias.
Enomoto N, Homma S, Inase N, Kondoh Y, Saraya T et al.
Thorax 2021 Jul 16:thoraxjnl-2020-216263

A Simple Method for Discrimination of Carcinomatous Meningitis using CEA, Total Protein, and Total Cell Count in the Cerebrospinal Fluid of Primary Lung Cancer Patients
Ogawa Y, Saraya T* et al.
Medicine (Baltimore) 2021 Apr 9;100(14):e25367

Immune-related adverse events with immune checkpoint inhibitors: Special reference to the effects on the lungs
Hirata A, Saraya T* et al.
Medicine (Baltimore) 2021 Apr 9;100(14):e25275

Reusing N95 Respirators at Weekly Intervals During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Nakamoto K, Saraya T* et al.
Cureus 2021;13(2): e13542

Novel predictive factors for patient discomfort and severe cough during bronchoscopy: A prospective questionnaire analysis
Kobayashi F, Saraya T* et al.
PLoS One 2020 Oct 19;15(10):e0240485

A novel diagnostic method for distinguishing parapneumonic effusion and empyema from other diseases by using the pleural lactate dehydrogenase to adenosine deaminase ratio and carcinoembryonic antigen levels
Saraya T*, Light RW et al.
Medicine (Baltimore) 2019 Mar;98(13):e15003

Comparison of findings on thoracic computed tomography with the severity and duration of bronchial asthma in patients with eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis
Nakamoto K, Saraya T* et al.
Respir Med 2018 Jun;139:101-105.

Correlation between clinical features, high-resolution computed tomography findings, and a visual scoring system in patients with pneumonia due to Mycoplasma pneumoniae
Saraya T* et al.
Respir Investig 2018 Apr 4. pii: S2212-5345(18)30038-8

Clinical significance of respiratory virus detection in patients with acute exacerbation of interstitial lung diseases
Saraya T* et al.
Respir Med 2018;136:88-92

A novel diagnostic scoring system for discriminating between Legionella pneumophila pneumonia and Streptococcus pneumoniae pneumonia
Saraya T* et al.
Intern Med 2018 Sep 1;57(17):2479-2487

Diagnostic value of vascular endothelial growth factor, transforming growth factor-β, interleukin-8, and the ratio of lactate dehydrogenase to adenosine deaminase in pleural effusion
Saraya T* et al.
LUNG 2018 Apr;196(2):249-254.

Clinical Characterization of 52 Patients with Immunoglobulin G4-Related Disease in a Single Tertiary Center in Japan: Special Reference to Lung Disease in Thoracic High-Resolution Computed Tomography
Saraya T*, Ohkuma K et al
Respir Med 2017;132:62-67

The molecular epidemiology of respiratory viruses associated with asthma attacks: a single-center observational study in Japan
Saraya T*, Kimura H et al.
Medicine(Baltimore) 2017 Oct;96(42):e8204. doi: 10.1097/MD.0000000000008204.

Comparisons of Clinical and Radiological Findings between Child and Adult Patients with Mycoplasma pneumoniae Pneumonia: Scoring System Values on Chest X-Ray
Saraya T*, Ohkuma K et al.
Intern Med 2017 Sep 25. doi: 10.2169/internalmedicine.8500-16

Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection: Basics
Saraya T* J Gen Fam Med. 2017;1-8 Review

Saraya T*, Light RW* et al.
A new diagnostic approach for Bilious Pleural Effusion
Respir Investig. 2016 Sep;54(5):364-8

Saraya T*
The history of Mycoplasma pneumoniae pneumonia. Review
Front Microbiol 2016;7:1-6. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2016.00364

Tsujimoto N, Saraya T* (double first authors), Richard W. Light et al.
A simple method for differentiating complicated parapneumonic effusion/empyema from parapneumonic effusion using the split pleura sign and the amount of pleural effusion on thoracic CT
PLoS One. 2015 Jun 15;10(6):e0130141.

Saraya T*, Kurai D et al.
Novel aspects on the pathogenesis of Mycoplasma pneumoniae pneumonia and therapeutic implications
Front Microbiol. 2014 Aug 11;5:410 Review

Saraya T*, Kurai D, Ishii H, et al.
Epidemiology of virus-induced asthma exacerbations: with special reference to the role of human rhinovirus
Front Microbiol. 2014 May 26;5:226. Review

Saraya T*, Tanabe K et al.
Breakthrough invasive Candida glabrata in patients on micafungin: A novel FKS gene conversion correlated with sequential elevation of minimum inhibitory concentration
J Clin Microbiol. 2014 Jul;52(7):2709-12

Saraya T*
Hodgkin lymphoma with rapidly destructive, cavity-forming lung disease.
J Clin Oncol 2013 Apr 20;31(12):e211-4.

Saraya T*, Light RW, Takizawa H, Goto H.
Black Pleural Effusion.
Am J Med 2013;126:e1-e6.Review

Saraya T* et al.
Evidence for reactivation of human herpes virus 6 in generalized lymphadenopathy in a patient with drug induced hypersensitivity syndrome
J. Clin. Microbiol 2013 Jun;51(6):1979-82.

Tamura M, Saraya T et al(double first author). High-Resolution CT Findings in Cases with Drug-Induced Pulmonary Toxicity with Special Reference to Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis-Like Patterns in Gemcitabine-Induced Cases.
Oncologist. 2013;18(4):454-9

Koide T, Saraya T et al. A 54-year-old man with an uncommon cause of left pleural effusion.
CHEST. 2012 Feb;141(2):560-3

Saraya T et al. Identification of a mechanism for lung inflammation caused by Mycoplasma pneumoniae using a novel mouse model.
Results in Immunology. 2011:1:76-87

Honda K, Saraya T et al. Tumor lysis syndrome and acquired ichthyosis occurring after chemotherapy for lung adenocarcinoma.
J Clin Oncol. 2011;29:e859-60

Ishii H, Tazawa R, Kaneko C, Saraya T et al. Clinical features of secondary pulmonary alveolar proteinosis: pre-mortem cases in Japan.
Eur Respir J. 2011 Feb;37(2):465-8

Nagel MA, Cohrs RJ, Saraya T et al The varicella zoster virus vasculopathies: clinical, CSF, imaging, and virologic features.
Neurology. 2008 Mar 11;70(11):853-60.

Saraya T et al. Evidence for vascular spread of varicella zoster-associated vasculopathy
Ann Intern Med. 2006 Apr 4;144(7):535-7.
所属学会 日本感染症学会(評議員 H28年〜、感染症セミナーWG委員 H23年〜H29年)
感染症学会 学際化・国際化委員会委員(H29年〜)
肺音(呼吸音)研究会 世話人(H28年〜)
The International Organization for Mycoplasmology
European Respiratory Society
American College of Chest Physicians
American Thoracic Society
公的な委員会等の役員・委員歴 日本語診療能力調査委員(厚生労働省 2017-2018)
公益社団法人医療系大学間共用試験実施評価機構 医学系OSCE委員会委員
群馬パース大学附属研究所 先端医療科学研究センター研究教授(2021年〜2023年)
Academic Editor: Medicine (Baltimore)
Associate Editor: Frontiers in Microbiology
Editorial board: BMC pulmonary medicine
Editorial board: Journal of Clinical Medicine
学生のみなさんへ 呼吸器領域にこだわることなく、General Medicineのマインドを持ちながら診療にあたっています。
関連サイト 聴診サイト 看護ルー