
教員紹介:佐藤 俊明

佐藤 俊明
サトウ トシアキ SATO, Toshiaki
職位 教授(特任)


担当科目(学部) 循環器学(徐脈性不整脈)
兼務・兼担 循環器学(医学部)
専門分野 循環器内科、不整脈、心臓植込みデバイス
研究テーマ 刺激伝導系ペーシングによる徐脈性不整脈の治療と心臓再同期療法
略歴 1992年 慶應義塾大学医学部卒業、医師免許取得
1996年 慶應義塾大学医学部呼吸循環器内科助手
2001年 Krannert Institute of Cardiology, Indiana University School of Medicine, Indiana, USA留学
2003年 University of California San Francisco, California USA留学
2004年 慶應義塾大学医学部呼吸循環器内科特別研究助手
2008年 慶應義塾大学医学部呼吸循環器内科伝送心電図受信・診断部門講師
2011年 杏林大学医学第二内科講師
2016年 杏林大学医学部不整脈先進治療学研究講座特任准教授
2022年 杏林大学医学部不整脈先進治療学研究講座特任教授
所有する学位 博士(医学)
指導医・専門医・認定医、その他の資格等 日本循環器学会 (専門医) 
日本不整脈心電学会 (専門医) 評議員 
論文・著書等を含む主要研究業績 1. Sato T, Togashi I, Ikewaki H, Mohri T, Katsume Y, Tashiro M, Nonoguchi N, Hoshida K, Miwa Y, Ueda A, Soejima K. Diverse QRS Morphology Reflecting Variations in Lead Placement for Left Bundle Branch Area Pacing. Europace. 2023; 25, 1–8. https://doi.org/10.1093/europace/euad241
2. Kato H, Sato T, Shimeno K, Nishida T, Mito S, Soejima K. Predictors of implantation failure in left bundle branch area pacing using a lumenless lead in patients with bradycardia. Journal of Arrhythmia. 2023;39:766-775 
3. Togashi I, Sato T. Conduction system pacing: Current status and prospects. J Cardiol. 2023; 81:413-419.
4. Perino AC, Wang PJ, Sato T, Vijayaraman P, Sharma PS et al. Worldwide survey on implantation of and outcomes for conduction system pacing with His bundle and left bundle branch area pacing leads. J Interv Card Electrophysiol. 2023; 6:1-12.
5. Togashi I, Sato T, Maeda A, Mohri T, Katsume Y, Tashiro M, Momose Y, Nonoguchi N, Hoshida K, Miwa Y, Ueda A, Soejima K. Fluoroscopic predictors of acceptable capture threshold during the implantation of the micra transcatheter pacing system. J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol. 2022;33(6):1255-61.
6. Sato T, Soejima K, Maeda A, Mohri T, Katsume Y, Tashiro M, Momose Y, Nonoguchi N, Hoshida K, Miwa Y, Ueda A, Togashi I. Safety of Distal His Bundle Pacing Via the Right Ventricle Backed Up by Adjacent Ventricular Capture. JACC Clin Electrophysiol. 2021;7:513-521.
7. Watanabe E, Yamazaki F, Sato T,Varma N, Ando K, et al. Remote Management of Pacemaker Patients With Biennial In-Clinic Evaluation: Continuous Home Monitoring in the Japanese At-Home Study: A Randomized Clinical Trial Circ Arrhythm Electrophysiol. 2020;13(5):e007734.
8. Sato T, Soejima K, Maeda A, Mohri T, Tashiro M, Momose Y, Komeda M, Nonoguchi N, Hoshida K, Miwa Y, Ueda A, Togashi I. Deep Negative Deflection in Unipolar His-Bundle Electrogram as a Predictor of Excellent His-Bundle Pacing Threshold Postimplant. Circ Arrhythm Electrophysiol. 2019;12(6):e007415
9. Togashi I, Sato T, Hoshida K, Soejima K. Subclinical cardiac perforation caused by a Micra™ leadless pacemaker. J Arrhythm. 2018;34:326-328
10. Sato T, Soejima K, Yoshino H, Shoda M. Unusual fracture in a Durata lead with shock coil fragmentation and cable externalization. Heart Rhythm Case Rep. 2017;3(7):327-331.
11. Togashi I, Sato T, Soejima K, Takatsuki S, Miyoshi S, Fukumoto K, Nishiyama N, Suzuki M, Hori S, Ogawa S, Fukuda K. Sudden cardiac arrest and syncope triggered by coronary spasm. International Journal of Cardiology. 2013; 163: 56-60.
12. Takagi Y, Yasuda S, Tsunoda R, Ogata Y, Seki A, Sumiyoshi T, Matsui M, Goto T, Tanabe Y, Sueda S, Sato T, Ogawa S, Kubo N, Momomura S, Ogawa H, Shimokawa H; Japanese Coronary Spasm Association. Prognostic stratification of patients with vasospastic angina: a comprehensive clinical risk score developed by the Japanese Coronary Spasm Association. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2013;62(13):1144-53.
13. Nishiyama N, Sato T, Aizawa Y, Nakagawa S, Kanki H. Extreme QT prolongation during therapeutic hypothermia after cardiac arrest due to long QT syndrome. Am J Emerg Med. 2012;30:638.e5-8.
14. Matsuhashi T, Sato T, Aizawa Y, Takatsuki S. Recurrent Torsade de Pointes During Mild Hypothermia Therapy for a Survivor of Sudden Cardiac Arrest Due to Drug-induced Long-QT Syndrome. J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol. 2010;21(4):462-3
15. Yada H, Sato T, Soejima K, Jo Y, Jinzaki M, Togashi I, Nakamizo H, Fukumoto K,Tanimoto K, Miyoshi S, Kuribayashi S, Ogawa S. A pseudo-normal position of an atrial pacemaker lead associated with a contralateral pneumothorax: where is the atrial lead? Circulation 2008;117(17):2297-8
16. Sato T, Mitamura H, Kurita Y, Takeshita A, Shinagawa K, Miyoshi S, Kanki H, Hara M, Takatsuki S, Soejima K, Ogawa S. Recovery of electrophysiological parameters after conversion of atrial fibrillation. International Journal of Cardiology 2001;79:183-189
17. Sato T, Mitamura H, Murata M, Shinagawa K, Miyoshi S, Kanki H, Takatsuki S, Soejima K, Miyazaki T, Ogawa S. Electrophysiologic Findings of a Patient With Inappropriate Sinus Tachycardia Cured by Selective. Radiofrequency Catheter Ablation. Journal of Electrocardiology 2000;33:381-386.
18. Verheule S, Sato T, Everett T. th, Engle SK, Otten D, Rubart M, Nakajima OH, Nakajima H, Field L, Olgin J. Increased vulnerability to atrial fibrillation in transgenic mice with selective atrial fibrosis caused by overexpression of TGF-beta1 Circ Res 2004:94: 1458-65
19. Sato T, Mitamura H, Kurita Y, Takeshita A, Shinagawa K, Miyoshi S, Kanki H, Hara M, Ogawa S. Electropharmacologic Effects of Pilsicainide, a Pure Sodium Channel Blocker, on the Remodeled Atrium Subjected to Chronic Rapid Pacing. Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology 2001;38:812-820
20. Shinagawa K, Mitamura H, Takeshita A, Sato T, Kanki H, Takatsuki S, Ogawa S. Determination of refractory periods and conduction velocity during atrial fibrillation using atrial capture in dogs: direct assessment of the wavelength and its modulation by a sodium channel blocker, pilsicainide. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2000;35(1):246-53
所属学会 日本循環器学会
日本不整脈心電学会 (評議員)
公的な委員会等の役員・委員歴 東京都公安委員会認定医
学生のみなさんへ 従来からの治療法を、患者さんに安全に確実に行うこと、若手医師に伝えていくこと。そして、新しい治療法を確立するため、欧米亜細亜の医師と切磋琢磨しながら、日々を送っています。