項目名 | 内容 | |
教員名 | 田口 晴彦 | |
フリガナ | タグチ ハルヒコ | |
NAME | Haruhiko TAGUCHI | |
所属学科 | 健康福祉学科 | |
職 位 | 教授 | |
役職・学園委員会 | 学部長、大学院保健学研究科長 | |
研究テーマ・分野 | 1.マイコプラズマ肺炎の発症病理に関する研究 2.抗微生物薬のimmunomodulating activityに関する研究 3.プロバイオティクスの免疫系への影響に関する研究 | |
担当科目(学部) | 感染症・免疫学、免疫学 | |
略 歴 | 1981年 杏林大学医学部助手(微生物学教室) 1993年 杏林大学医学部学内講師(微生物学教室) 1996年 杏林大学医学部講師(微生物学教室) 1997年 ケニア感染症研究対策プロジェクト長期派遣(感染症専門家) 2004年 杏林大学医学部助教授(感染症学講座) 2007年 杏林大学保健学部教授(免疫学) |
所有する学位 | 医学博士(杏林大学) | |
所有する資格 | ICD (ID0917) | |
主要研究業績 | <論 文>2000年以降 1. Arae K., Ikutani M., Horiguchi K., Yamaguchi S., Okada Y., Sugiyama H., Orimo K., Morita H., Suto H., Okumura K., Taguchi H., Matsumoto K., Saito H., Sudo K., Nakae S.: Interleukin-33 and thymic stromal lymphopoietin, but not interleukin-25, are crucial for development of airway eosinophilia induced by chitin. Sci Rep. Mar 15; 11, 2021. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-021-85277-4. 2. Kentaro Oka, Takako Osaki, Tomoko Hanawa, Satoshi Kurata, Emi Sugiyama, Motomichi Takahashi, Mamoru Tanaka, Haruhiko Taguchi, and Shigeru Kamiya: Establishment of an endogenous Clostridium difficile rat infection model and evaluation of the effects of Clostridium butyricum MIYAIRI 588 probiotic strain. Front. Microbiol, 18 June 2018. DOI:10.3389/fmicb.2018.01264. 3. Kurata S., Osaki T., Yonezawa H., Arae K., Taguchi H., Kamiya S.: Role of IL-17A and IL-10 in the antigen induced inflammation model by Mycoplasma pneumoniae. BMC Microbiol. 14: 156, 2014. 4. Oka K., Osaki T., Hanawa T., Kurata S., Okazaki M., Manzoku T., Takahashi M., Tanaka M., Taguchi H., Watanabe T., Inamatsu T., and Kamiya S.: Molecular and microbiological characterization of Clostridium difficile isolates from single, relapse, and re-infection cases. J Cli Microbiol 50; 915-921, 2012. 5. Arae K., Oboki K., Ohno T., Hirata M., Nakae S., Taguchi H., Saito H., Nakajima T.: Cimetidine Enhances Antigen-Specific IgE and Th2 Cytokine Production. Allergol Int: 60; 339-344, 2011. 6. Arae K., Hirata M., Kurata S., Kamiya S., and Taguchi H.: Mycoplasma pneumoniae induces interleukin-8 production via the epidermal growth factor receptor pathway. Microbiol Immunol 55; 748-750, 2011 7. Saraya T., Nakata K., Nakagaki K., Motoi N., Iihara K., Fujioka Y., Oka T., Kurai D., Wada H., Ishii H., Taguchi H., Kamiya S., and Goto H.: Identification of mechanism for lung inflammation caused by Mycoplasma pneumoniae using a novel mouse model. Result in Immunol 1; 76-87, 2011. 8. Taguchi H., Arae K., Kurata S., and Kamiya S.: Host immune response in gnotobiotic model of Mycoplasma pneumoniae inducing pneumonia. Japanese Journal of Mycoplasmology:45, 2011. 9. Kurata S., Taguchi H., Sasaki T., Fujioka Y., and Kamiya S.: Antimicrobial and immunomodulatory effect of clarithromycin on macrolide-resistant Mycoplasma pneumoniae. J Med Microbiol, 59: 693-701, 2010. 10. Sekine H., Taguchi H., Watanabe H., Kawai S., Fujioka Y., Goto Y., Kobayashi H., and Kamiya S.: Immunological analysis and pathological examination of gnotobiotic mice monoassociated woth Mycoplasma pneumoniae. J Med Microbiol 58; 697-705, 2009. 11. Yamaguchi H., Kamiya S., Uruma T., Osaki T., Taguchi T., Hanawa T., Fukuda M., Kawakami H., Goto H., Friedman H., and Yamamoto Y.: Chlamydia pneumoniae growth inhibition in cells by the steroid receptor antagonist RU486(Mifepristone). Antimicrob Agents Chemother 52: 1991-1998, 2008. 12. Bii C. C., Makimura K., Abe S., Taguchi H., Mugasia O. M., Revathi G., Wamae C. N. & Kamiya S.: Antifungal drug susceptibility of Cryptococcus neoformans from clinical sources in Nairobi, Kenya. Mycoses 50: 25-30, 2007. 13. Bii C.C., J. Kose, H. Taguchi, E. Amoukoye, T. T. Ouko, L. C. Muita, O. Mugasia, N. Wamae, & S. Kamiya: Pneumocystis jirovecii and microbiological findings in children with severe pneumonia in Nairobi, Kenya. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 10: 1286-1291, 2006. 14. Osaki T., Hanawa T., Manzoku T., Fukuda M., Kawakami H., Suzuki H., Yamaguchi H., Yan X., Taguchi H., Kurata S., and Kamiya S.: Mutation of luxS affects motility and infectivity of Helicobacter pylori in gastric mucosa of a Mongolian gerbil model. J Med Microbiol 55: 1477-1485, 2006. 15. Bii C.C., Taguchi H., Ouko T.T., Muita L.W., Wamae C.N., & Kamiya S.: Detection of virulence-related genes by multiplex PCR in multidrug-resistant diarrhoeagenic Escherichia coli isolates from Kenya and Japan. Epidemiol Infect 133: 637-633, 2005. 16. Toyoda A., Osaki T., Yamaguchi H., Hanawa T., Taguchi H., Hasegawa M., & Kamiya S.: Effect of Helicobacter pylori on DNA synthesis of human epithelial cells. J Infect Chemother 11: 129-135, 2005. 17. Takahashi M., Taguchi H., Yamaguchi H., Osaki T., Komatsu A., & Kamiya S.:The effect of probiotic treatment with Clostridium butyricum on enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli O157:H7 infection in mice. FEMS immunol Med Microbiol 41: 219-226, 2004. 18. Yamaguchi H., Osaki T., Taguchi H., Sato N., Toyoda A., Takahashi M., Kai M., Nakata N., Komatu Y., Atomi Y. & Kamiya S.: Effect of bacterial flora on post immunization gastritis following oral vaccination of mice by Helicobacter pylori heat-shock protein 60. Clin Diagn Lab Immunol 10: 808-812, 2003. 19. Hayakawa M., Taguchi H., Kamiya S., Fujioka Y., Watanabe H., Kawai S., & Kobayashi H.: Animal model of Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection using germfree mice. Clin Diagn Lab Immunol 9: 669-676, 2002. 20. Bii C.C., Yamaguchi H., Kai M., Nagai Y., Sugiura Y., Taguchi H., Chakaya J.M., Mbugua G.G., & Kamiya S.: Mycoplasma pneumoniae in children with pneumonia at Mbhathi district Hospital, Nairobi. East African Medical Journal 79: 317-332, 2002. 21. Taguchi H., Takahashi M., Yamaguchi H., Osaki T., Komatsu A., Fujioka Y., & Kamiya S.: Experimental infection of germ-free mice with hyper-toxigenic enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli O157:H7, strain6. J Med Microbiol 51: 336-343, 2002. 22. Osaki T., Yamaguchi H., Taguchi H., Fukuda M., Kawakami H., Hirano H., & Kamiya S.: Interleukin-8 induction and adhesion of coccoid form of Helicobacter pylori. J Med Microbiol 51: 295-299, 2002. 23. Kamiya S., Osaki T., Taguchi H., & Yamaguchi H.: Immune response to heat shock protein of Helicobacter pylori – a candidate as a vaccine component. Keio J Med 51 (Suppl 2): 24-25, 2002. 24. Tatsuo I., Hori M., Abe H., Miki T., Makino K., Shinagawa H., Taguchi H., Kamiya S., Hayashi T., & Sasakawa C.: toxB on pO157 of enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli O157:H7 is required for full epithelial cell adherence phenotype. Infect Immun 69: 6660-6669, 2001. 25. Takahashi M., Taguchi H., Yamaguchi H., Osaki T., & Kamiya S.: Studies of the Effect of Clostridium butyricum on Helicobacter pylori in several test models including gnotobiotic mice. J Med Microbiol 49: 635-642, 2000. 26. Yamaguchi H., Osaki T., Kai M., Taguchi H., & Kamiya S.: Immune response against a cross-reactive epitope on the heat shock protein 60 homologue of Helicobacter pylori. Infect Immun 68: 3448-3454, 2000. |
所属学会 | 杏林医学会(副会長)、日本無菌生物ノートバイオジー学会(理事)、日本臨床腸内微生物学会(理事)、日本感染症学会(評議員)、日本マイコプラズマ学会、日本細菌学会、日本臨床微生物学会 | |
公的な委員会等の役員・委員歴 | 2013年4月〜2016年10月 文部科学省大学設置・学校法人審議会専門委員 | |
居室・研究室 | 井の頭キャンパス C棟5階 保健学部長室 | |
メールアドレス | taguchi[at]ks.kyorin-u.ac.jp | |
オフィスアワー | 金曜日12:15〜12:45の間、内線3518にお電話ください。 |